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Re: Best Friends Club

@Gremlin24 Solidarity for those frustrating times when we do everything right and it still doesn't feel like it's helping. Usually for me that just means the day is a write off, and I'm just gonna have to sit with the gross feelings till I've felt them enough to process em. But, you will never have to do today again!! 


Be gentle with yourself hun, may the day conclude swiftly and bring a lighter one for you tomorrow 🤞💜

Re: Best Friends Club

@Jynx but what do you do when that's everyday?


The day/ night needs to be over already. I'm done with everything right now. 

Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 wrote:

Sure was @Jynx 

That is why mum and I left because my dad ' s behaviour was affecting my health,  physically and mentally and emotionally 

I thought something was lingering in back of my brain that I'd forgotten.... I didn't get round to replying to this and then must have closed the tab! Woops!


Anyway.... yeah that makes it so hard hun, these are instincts and reactions that you've had since you were little!! So maybe some inner child work or working on attachment trauma could be helpful?


Can talk about it more tomorrow if you like, I'm about to skedaddle!! 


Big hugs 🫂🫂

Re: Best Friends Club

@rav3n I have heard of that yes, and I believe that that’s what I’m having too.


yes I’ve already done volunteering roles since last year & have already joined a club at uni last year too. But very much anything that involves social related settings does give me a sense of anxiety at the end of the day even though I’ve already done them.

Re: Best Friends Club

I'm about to finish up @Gremlin24 otherwise I'd put a bit more time and thought into this but... if it's every day and nothing is shifting, that's when I'd be looking at more intense therapeutic interventions - trying out new trauma therapies (like EMDR or somatic therapy for example), joining a support group, trying new/different medications with support of psych, looking into ECT, art therapy, or psychedelic assisted therapy....  

Legit was thinking about making a thread a while back about like... 'what to try when it feels like you've tried everything'. You've definitely reignited that inspiration! If you wanna chat about it further feel free to tag me tomorrow - I'll be around in the evening again 😉

Re: Best Friends Club



I forgot to mention that I had crackers, pepperoni, cheese and sliced gherkins for dinner.

Re: Best Friends Club

Dear @Gremlin24 


You are strong.

You are resilient.
These phone lines -
They are available 24/7 and can offer you support.


It can be a huge adjustment to come back to everyday life after being in hospital. You write you don't want to bother anyone tonight and that's okay. If this is how you feel - okay.


As everyone gets older, we need different things.

If you feel like you need someone to talk to, even if it's just to vent, we are here, and here is the number of a phone line I use too . 


Lifeline Australia: 13 11 14


Can you think about maybe making yourself a cup of tea or water ? 


I understand when you don't want to eat but you need to nourish your body when you are feeling overwhelmed. it's important to try and nourish your body.
Even little snacks like a boiled egg.
Do you like a cup of tea ?

We are here. We do understand



@Shaz51    @Faith-and-Hope @RiverSeal  @TAB  @StuF @Jynx @StanD   @avant-garde @@creative_writer @Oaktree    @Glisten  @ENKELI    @MJG017     @Healandlove     

Re: Best Friends Club

Hi @Oaktree 




I often eat crackers tomato cucumber. 




Portable air conditioner on 24/7 

Re: Best Friends Club

Hi @Blackcloud 

What's the laser treatment for ? 


I love getting older but I'm only 57. Ask me this again when I turn 70. 


I might be aching a bit then.





Re: Best Friends Club

@PeppyPatti @Oaktree 


My head is doing weird things tonight as I'm travelling north on a bus tomorrow. 


My suitcase weighs 16.4kgs with a maximum of 20 allowed

My backpack weighs 6.7 with a maximum of 7 allowed.

I have mini apple and cinnamon danishes for breakfast and seems I don't have the weight capacity to take my own coffee, maybe I take out my lunch. 

No, I will keep the empty thermos in the backpack and have it filled at the earliest opportunity.

My head is going "the wheels on the bus to round and round" and then the variation to make my best friend laugh "the wheels on the chair to round and round" for when she starts chasing me in her wheelchair. 

Oh the glare I got today when we saw Paddington in Peru and the recliner thing came up and I say to her "but your chair doesn't have buttons"

Only I get away with that kind of thing.

I finished my audio book and now wondering what next, do I want to start listening to Janette oke or find something else? 


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