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Re: Best Friends Club

@rav3n the speech therapy session wasn’t too bad and I actually like the new speech therapist that I have so I’m looking forward to be working with her within our next upcoming sessions! And no I didn’t end up going volunteering lol 


I’m still waiting for the university to send me over my student details hopefully by the end of today cause why is it taking them so long to get all that stuff ready? Plus I even called them a few hours ago to let them know about it and they said that the advisor will be able to get all that sorted and get me admitted into the course so I really hope they do all that! I’m supposed to start studying the course by next Monday so they need to hurry up 😞 

Re: Best Friends Club

sorry to hear you're struggling @Gremlin24 is there anything that's been helping you push on today? sitting with you and sending you gentle hugs 💙


i'm going good! i've got my friend's birthday party tomorrow, which i'm a lil excited for but mostly nervous about. and my skin decided to play up this week soooo try figure out how to improve it overnight 😅

Re: Best Friends Club

Thanks @rav3n, hugs are very much needed ❤️. I'm doing my diamond art but my mind really is elsewhere. Too many thoughts and feelings racing around. 


I hope the birthday party is lots of fun, hopefully once you are there some of those nerves will ease for you. Why does skin decide to play up at the last minute, hope it miraculously improves for you. 



Re: Best Friends Club

@Blackcloud yay glad to hear you like the new speech therapist!! fair enough about the volunteering - how often do you usually do it?


ohh especially if classes are starting next week, i can see why you'd be stressed about it! it's good that you've reached out to them, sounds like if they don't get back to you before Monday, you may just have to miss the first few classes - but usually the first classes aren't too content heavy so i'm sure you'll be able to catch up in no time!

Re: Best Friends Club

@rav3n 👋 hi!

Cleaning and more cleaning on the weekend.


What about you?


Re: Best Friends Club

@Gremlin24 despite your thoughts swirling around, it's really great that you're trying to keep yourself distracted - and i see you've jumped back on the diamond art! 


thank you! i know right!? it was just getting better and then BAM. i went to a makeup store asking them for some help and i was worried they'd tempt me into buying an expensive product... but was pleasantly surprised when they gave me 4 lil samples to try and told me not to buy anything until i've given them a go this week! guess i got lucky. 

are you much interested in makeup/skincare/hair stuff?

Re: Best Friends Club

@rav3n I'm trying, for now it's somewhat working. 


Oh that's great that they gave you some samples to try, I hope you find one that works. 


Nope I don't do make-up or skin care as such, i wash my face but that's it. My hair is just a curly, frizzy mess so I can't do much with it other than just chuck it in a ponytail 😂

Re: Best Friends Club

@rav3n I usually do volunteering whenever I feel like it or whenever I think it’s time to. I just don’t do it very often anymore.


hehe I’m so desperate to wanting to have access to the learning portal early on before classes start tho 🤣🤣 yea hopefully the first few classes won’t be content heavy by then by the time I get in.


im just chilling in bed right now. Oh! And tomorrow I’m gonna be going to the cinemas with a support worker and I’m pretty sure another participant that’s on the NDIS will be coming along too! I hate how it’s gonna be 32 degrees both tomorrow and Sunday 😞

Re: Best Friends Club

the cleaning feels never-ending!! @Healandlove i did some cleaning today too, and then i've got my friend's birthday party on the weekend. hope you manage to get some time to rest up too!

Re: Best Friends Club

@Gremlin24 somewhat working is a win in my books!! 


totally fair, i'm not really into skin care either, i just wash my face and moisturise and that's enough of a routine for me hehe. but i do like playing around with makeup, especially eye shadow - it's like my equivalent of colouring/art hehe. 


oo you have curly hair!? love it!! i have wavy/lightly curly hair its always frizzy too. sometimes just brushing it makes it frizzier, i just hide it in a bun 😅 idk how i used to have the patience to brush/play with doll hairs cos not i'm so impatient with my own hehe.

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