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'Chuckle Corner'

Hi all,

Ok, don't blame me - Che started it and NikNik suggested it, so here is the place to post all the funny jokes and not so funny jokes - still trying to figure out the surrealist/fish joke................Smiley Wink

Regards, Jake 



Re: 'Chuckle Corner'

Please keep your jokes positive, and not mean. Light and fluffy. 😉 

Re: 'Chuckle Corner'

My dog has no nose. How does he smell? Terrible! 

Re: 'Chuckle Corner'

'Sausage Syndrome' - no it's not it DSM-5 (yet!)


Patient to psychiatrist: My wife thinks I'm unstable because I like sausages.

Psychiatrist to patient: Nonsense - I like sausages too!

Patient to psychiatrist: Good, you should come and see my collection - I've got hundreds of them!





Re: 'Chuckle Corner'

Here is the world's funniest joke :

Re: 'Chuckle Corner'



Patient to doctor: Doc! Doc! - people keep calling me a 'wheelbarrow'.

Doctor to patient: Don't let people push you around!

Re: 'Chuckle Corner'


Patient: Doc! Doc! Nobody understands me!!!

Doctor: Huh? What do you mean by that??

Re: 'Chuckle Corner'

Just you all wait until International Talk Like a Pirate Day on Sept 19th - Pirate jokes are my strength 🙂

Re: 'Chuckle Corner'

Aargh, ahoy me hearties, this pirate is searching for plundered bad pirate jokes. Ye have been warned, pirates day is a coming, with plenty of loot to boot😄😄😄

Re: 'Chuckle Corner'

Oh no! bad pirate jokes......that will be something to treasure...............sorry...........just had to get that off my chest..............Regards, Jake!

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