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Re: Darkness

@Former-Member wrote:

@NatureLover , I was meant to be seeing them on Monday. 

Oh no, am sorry to hear, Nikki @Former-Member 


I hope you don't feel like everything is going down the drain - a lot of people love you here, Nikki and Izzy ❤️



Re: Darkness

Hi @Lee82 , thinking about you and worried for you. I really feel for you, please take care ❤️

Re: Darkness

@greenpea wrote:

I have decided to defer my studies until next semester when hopefully everything has settled down and would have found out what is going on with my amnesia by then. Just cannot remember anything new atm which is really frustrating and sad to be honest  

Oh I am sorry to hear that this had to happen, you were so excited about your studies! @greenpea  😞

Re: Darkness

hello and hugs @Lee82 HeartHeart


hugs and hugs @Former-Member HeartHeart

Not applicable

Re: Darkness

💝🌸 @Lee82 🌸💝 😞

Re: Darkness

your not responsible for how others react @Former-Member i know that when you are having a hard time you often dont tag anyone so its totally up to them if they feel ok to respond. most of the time i am but i know when im not so i tend to stick to one or 2 threads myself just like you do. we all have our own limits but we often know them so responding is totally up to them.
Izzy and you definently havent lost me as a friend Heart
If it helps you could talk about just the surface things? you dont have to go right into your feelings but maybe just share whats causing your grief just in this moment

Re: Darkness

@Former-Member 💖💖💖


@greenpea So sorry to hear you are deferring your studies little pea - you were so excited about starting this semester but I can fully understand with what has been happening for you that you would both want answers first and also want to be in a better place down the track in regards to your memory - that is pretty important if you are undertaking studies. I really hope you get some answers soon Hon and can go back next semester.

Re: Darkness

@NatureLover @Zoe7  Hi ladies yes I have a tinge of disappointment re studies this semester but honestly I cannot read the lecture slides  .... let alone a page of required reading atm..... I just do not understand what I am reading it might as well be in a different language .... I feel like I am stupid or something. It is very depressing and frustrating.

Re: Darkness

That is so hard @greenpea and understandable you have the feelings you have. Even though your decision to defer was a neccessary one it also a very wise one under the circumstances. I have everything crossed that you will find some answers very soon and get the help you deserve to return next semester Heart

Re: Darkness

@greenpea wrote:

It is very depressing and frustrating.

Yes, I can imagine... It sounds like a sensible decision to defer, but disappointing all the same. I hope you get the answers you'd like, soon... 


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