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Re: Not Coping


I've been painting and going to the gym. I'm on my way into the city to meet my uncle for dinner. I haven't seen anyone since Wednesday which was my psych and aunt. Then I see my psych tomorrow lol. 

I'm going back to Hobart on the 20th. 

Aww I’m sorry you feel like that. 

Do you not have anyone to see? I'll be with about 17 people on my mum's side on Christmas Day. 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 there will be my mum, brother, aunt and uncle. All of my cousins are married and have kids, my brother and I are the only ones who are single. My aunt can be quite judgemental and likes to compare her "beautiful and intelligent" daughters in law to me and I never measure up no matter my achievements. My cousins are all really well off so I'll get to hear all about the expensive gifts my aunt and uncle got while my present under $100 for my mum will get a "oh that's nice" comment.
I'm probably being over sensitive at the moment, this time last year I still had my best friend and Godchildren and it was exciting to talk about what we'd be doing, what presents we were getting for the kids etc. 
I'm a bundle of tears so I'm trying to stay off the forums so as not to upset other people.


Your Christmas plans sounds great. I'd love to visit Tasmania one day. My paternal grandfather and his family were Tasmanian but I've never met any of them. All the photos I've seen of Tassie look spectacular!

Re: Not Coping

The forums are here to support you. I'm here, too. We care about you. 

I'm sorry that happened. I wouldn't like that. I don't think you being sensitive. Everyone has their budget. 

Thank you @ENKELI 

I’m about to meet my uncle so I'll talk to you in a bit. 

Re: Not Coping

Thank you @ENKELI I appreciate your kindness xx


Hi @Birdofparadise8 how are you doing?

Re: Not Coping

Hi @Blackbird11 

 I’m just on my way home from dinner with my uncle and went to MYER and looked at the bluey window. 
How are you?


Re: Not Coping

How was dinner @Birdofparadise8 ?

Bluey window is magical ️ 

Re: Not Coping

It was really yummy @Blackbird11 

I'm hungry, though, now. It wasn't the most feeling meal. 

What did you have?

Re: Not Coping

That's good @Birdofparadise8 nice to have a yummy meal. Do you have a snack?


I had microwave fried chicken and wedges... it was nice

Re: Not Coping

That would be yummy @Blackbird11 

We share sweet and sour pork and chicken black bean. 

It's hot. I might have a little ice cream and fruit. 

I'm so hot and have another two new blisters.

Re: Not Coping

That sounds delicious @Birdofparadise8  and fruit and ice cream are a staple. Ouch blisters are painful.

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