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Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 oh the usual, rob a bank, fly to Paris....sorry I'm pretending I'm funny today!

I'm watching a home improvement show while I fine tune my resume and cover letter, then I'm going to do some gardening and look for jobs later today.


How are you feeling?

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 , @ENKELI , @creative_writer 


ok now 

we drove down to do one little job ( 2 hours) but could not get through because of lots of water on the road after raining all night 


husband`s  psychologist appointment was cancelled 

Re: Not Coping


Ehh ask me at 7 pm my time hahaha.

Not applicable

Re: Not Coping

Glad things have settled a bit there @Shaz51 🌺💜

I hope things continue to improve for you guys with the upcoming Gp appointment 💜🌺

Re: Not Coping

me too @Former-Member 

how are you going today 

Re: Not Coping

@Shaz51 💖🫂
Not applicable

Re: Not Coping

@Shaz51 🙂🌺

I’m doing ok thanks Shaz 💜🙂🌺

resting a bit with some lunch before back into study 🌺🙂

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 yep, just another day huh? 


Do you have plans for the weekend?

Re: Not Coping

@Shaz51 holy smokes! Heavy rain one place, heatwave in another, Bummer about hubbys' appointment  getting canned, is that going to cause major problems?

Re: Not Coping

I really don't know @ENKELI 

I'm just studying at the moment. 

I'm going to my aunt and uncle for a game night. My cousin (who used to talk to me and then wouldn't because of my MH will be there as she is flying over to see pink with my aunt who lives in Mel). Plus, my other cousin and her husband will be there, so it will be good. I just hope it won't be too awkward with her. 

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