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Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 it was very long! It was okay but I am not a big enough fan to have wanted to see her live. 

I'll probably watch it again before the month is out though. 


What are your thoughts on the new album?



Re: Not Coping

Yeah it is long @ENKELI 

It's alright I like a few songs. I need to listen to it more I think. 


Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 I've listened to it a few times. I know a lot of people are unimpressed with it. I think it's a shame she has to resort to swearing so much on the album but I don't mind it as background music.


Props to her for doing what she wants, now that she's so well known anything she churns out will sell and she knows it.

Re: Not Coping

Yes it's more explicit than I thought as well @ENKELI 

I'll listen to a few of the songs.

How was your dinner?

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 bro had some wraps and fruit salad that he brought home so I didn't end up cooking. I might use the chicken to make your fajita pasta tomorrow instead.

The wrap was nice, ham and salad.


I bet yours  was delish.


Any plans for tomorrow?

Re: Not Coping

Yum I love a good wrap @ENKELI 

I'm going to the football with my uncle, his friend, and his son. They all go for Geelong ahh. I'm nervous as I'm sitting with them. It will be good fun friendly banter. Well as long as Carlton wins hahaha.

What about you?

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 ex friend is a cats supporter so I'll be going for Carlton as well!! 

You'll have a good time.


I'm not sure, I might see what my crazy cat lady friend is doing and maybe do lunch. Otherwise not a lot going on 😁

Re: Not Coping

Yay happy to hear you'll go for Carlton.

Aww, you make me laugh every time you mention her like that 😀

I better go now. Thanks for chatting. I'll be around tomorrow if you want to chat. 

Also, I will be yelling like a loud proud princess tomorrow. @ENKELI 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 you go girl. I'll be thinking of you and checking the score.


Sleep well princess 👑💐💜

Re: Not Coping

Thanks @ENKELI 

I hope you sleep well too xxx 🥰🫂👸

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