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Something’s not right

Re: Not Coping

@Former-Member feeling less agitated right now after PRN. I feel really exhausted now and drained. My head also feels heavy. Feeling a lower grade body flashback rn though.

I have a lot going on in my mind though and I’m not sure where to turn to.

I hope the universe takes you to beautiful places today 💖🫂
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Re: Not Coping

Hey there @Birdofparadise8 🙂🌺

how did you get on with the study? 
I hope the visit with the older person went well 🌺

Hope you’re holding up ok 💜

drive was nice - didn’t catch up with the local person I met last time, however I needed to head back (got tired). 


Lovely place 🙂🌺

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Re: Not Coping

Hey there @creative_writer 🙂🌺

I’m sorry to hear things aren’t so good this evening 💜

Sounds like lots going on…holding space for you 🌺


Today was good thank you.. saw a beautiful view..thought I’d share with you 🌺💜


Re: Not Coping

It was alright @Former-Member 

Yeah, he was good. 

Wish I could say yes to that but no. I’m not feeling good at all. I want it to be 2:30 tomorrow so I can see my psych. Even though I'll be all nervous and will most likely say “I don't know” a lot like I do. He keeps asking me why I feel the way I feel and I don't know. He also asks where I feel it in my body and I have no clue as I don't. He also asks how I am feeling at the moment when we talk about things and I feel nothing. 

Ahh, I’m so bad. It's like I'm wasting his time if that's all I'm ever going to say. 

I'm sorry the person wasn't there to see you @Former-Member 

I'm going into my room tonight so who knows how that will go. 

Re: Not Coping

@Former-Member that’s absolutely gorgeous. Things are getting a bit better, it has been a rough day, very drained. I was very heightened during my pdoc appointment.

I’m experiencing a lot of anxiety. Let’s say I come across a guy who I find attractive and may have some things in common with. What do I do? I’m scared of getting hurt and relationships are harder considering the trauma I have experienced

Re: Not Coping

Anyone around?

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Re: Not Coping

Hey @Birdofparadise8 🙂🌺

just had dinner.. you alright there? 

Re: Not Coping

Hi @Former-Member 

What did you have? I had beef stroganoff and mashed potato. 

No, I'm not okay 😩 😥

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Re: Not Coping

Sounds really hard @Birdofparadise8  regarding seeing your psych..but please do know that it’s not a matter of wasting time dearest, he is there for you, to help you, and to give you support 🌺💜

Thanks re my friend, it’s ok - sometimes it’s hard to catch a person again given that life doesn’t seem to follow the same routines very often like things used to be 🙂

Re: Not Coping

Yeah, I guess. If he didn't keep asking me those questions, then I wouldn't say I don't know. He knows that's what I'm going to say. @Former-Member 

Ah okay. I hope you can see them another time. 

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