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Something’s not right

Casual Contributor

Re: Not sure

Hi Sandy, sorry for the slow reply. I have not looked at other therapies much as I don't like sharing that information with anyone and extremely dislike when I know people know. I don't know what ACT is. Although my MHN recommends mindfulness and techniques to use. I do them in some capacity and it helps me calm down but stil never stops the voices. Thanks Sandy
Casual Contributor

Re: Not sure

why all the questions and no introduction?

Re: Not sure

Hi Pip, I use mindfulness and breathing exercises to help me with anxiety. It's not a cure but it does help. 

Welcome the forum! 

@Pip09 wrote:

why all the questions and no introduction?

Senior Contributor

Re: Not sure


You don't have to answer the questions if your not interested.
I asked the questions not to be nosy etc but purely because there are other things apart from Schizophrenia (or depression and anxiety ) that can cause the types of symptoms you have also.
The reason I asked for details about the Hallucinations was not to be invasive or judgmental etc but because often the types of hallucinations a person is having can give an insight into the cause of their symptoms.
Psychiatrists are often well versed regarding Schizophrenia but they also often forget/overlook other things that can cause schizophrenia type symptoms such as Vitamin B12 deficiency,amongst other things.
I'm not suggesting this is or isn't the case with you,I'm just saying that it applies to some people.
The reason why I asked regarding age is because sometimes when people of a certain age receive a diagnosis of late onset Schizophrenia there can actually be an organic cause that's being overlooked.

Re: Not sure

Hey Pip09,
ACT is very much based on mindfulness techniques and perhaps if you are a bit of a reader (I am a book liver), would you be able to borrow a book by Dr Russ Harris? He has written one called The Happiness Trap and one called Reality Slap.
Both books offer exercises for mindfulness and really explain ACT well.
I have also found attending Voices Congress amazing..there are many books that are written by voice hearers such as Ron Coleman.
My other point is well, sometimes to generate change we need to be brave to try something if you don't want to let your MHN or Psych could always google Voices Vic or Hearing Voices Network and see if you can attend a group. Or a Grow group..Grow is anonymous you don't share unless you want to..and you can attend most groups to see what you think about what the group offers..
Take care are brave..
Senior Contributor

Re: Not sure

Hello Pip 

my name is Rick.

You going through the mangle are'nt you? It raeally hurts when you can only do the minimum does'nt it?

And tell no one ever? I understand that statement.

I can offer you no balm to ease your mind or advice to help you make decisions that are infinitely personal.


But please let me say this.

Keep using the forum. I haven't been here long but I feel like i've found a club of unique individuals just like me.

Kinda like the xmen with out the superpowers.

I find it much easier to offer support or advise than I do to disclose, but here I have felt it might jsut be ok to tell. 

We all need to tell. sometime, someone.

We are all f##ked up somehow here. 

The thing we all have in common is that it's not our fault.


I wish for you to be able to have enough clarity to see what it is that's not quite right. With that information you can make an informed decision about what you want to do.

As I said I cannot offer advice, because I take and rely on meds to keep alive. I do this not for my sake but for my 12yo daughter.


All I will say is that sometimes the motivation to choose a path comes not from within but from outside of us. In my case my kid.


Welcome to the club of xmen.



I choose to be believe with all my mind that



Hope endures




Re: Not sure

Hi @Pip09 

I'm sorry you are really stuggling with all this, it can be terribly overwhelming. I hope we are helping and not hindering or making you feel bombarded with our concerns and questions. It is completely fine to say so and ask us to back off if that's what would help Woman Happy

You mentioned " it requires me letting go of what I considerer an massive invasive of privacy". I wondered whether you feel your MHN has invaded your privacy, or that talking to someone qualified to prescribe it would feel like an invasion. I can really understand why you would feel intensely private about your MH - so many people can be quite horrible about it, including some so caleed medical "professionals".

Having said that there are also some really wonderful, compassionate and caring MH professionals - they are worth looking for. I try to go by word of mouth referrals, although it's worth remembering that what one person finds unhelpful can be fine for another and vice versa.

Wishing you compassionate journeying through this.

Kindest regards,


Re: Not sure

Hey @Rick 

I had to smile at your references to the "club" and all of us here being f##ked. You might enjoy reading my post about the "exclusive" FITH Avenue Club - all are welcome to join! Woman LOL

And I think we do have super-powers Woman Happy, just not the comic book type. Surviving with a MI takes incredible strength and resilience; because of that burden (not in spite of it) many of us, such as your good self, have decided to use that to help others. This certainly fits the definition of "super" - superlative, remarkable, exceptional, wonderful, outstanding...

So hats off to us all. We have a lot to offer, and do so. Regardless of what society thinks. 



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