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Senior Contributor

Re: Immersive flashbacks and intrusive imagery

Hey @Rick 


I hope unloading helped in some way.

It's both inspiring and devastating reading your story. It's not fair that you had to go through that.

I'm blown away with your commitment to leading a productive life and managing the ups & downs.


I hope this community can help lighten the load a little.



Re: Immersive flashbacks and intrusive imagery

i hope too by typing some thing out and pressing 'send' that it might help in any little way it can. Your post too might assist some one else who reads it aswell- 2 hopes here

Senior Contributor

Re: Immersive flashbacks and intrusive imagery

Dear @Rick 

I hope I haven't misunderstood what you were saying - that you weren't looking for them. I hope I'm not wrong in assuming that doesn't mean they will be unwelcome. If they are please ignore this.

My heart breaks for all you have been through. I know it is probably a drop in a very big ocean but I'm so sorry for the hell you've lived through. I can only hope that tiny drop has ripples to the depths and the far edges of your agony. And that there are many more drops here from others. 

Your openness and honesty are just incredible. I really get what you mean about living to help others. It can be an amazing motivation. And it says so much about you that this is what keeps you going. That was part of my abuse. I was my mother's slave. I didn't get physcally hurt, but neglect and psychological / emotional abuse. The saving grace was that my enslavement meant caring for my siblings. This kept me alive when I would have taken my own life. If I didn't stay around and care for them who would? Not her.

I understand why you are angry with God. You have every reason. I would like to share with you at some stage something I realised last year when I journeyed into the depths of some of my abuse. I won't go into it now, but I want you to know that God was there - holding me, saving me from being lost forever.

Blessings, and a prayer for a peaceful night's sleep.

Kindest regards,


Senior Contributor

Re: Immersive flashbacks and intrusive imagery

Thanks for sharing your story and I'm very sorry that you went through this.
I know you said you didn't want comments but I just wanted to say I think your dedication is amazing and although your experiences were horrific,in a way it's also made you become a person that helps other people and cares and shows compassion for the hurting or vulnerable instead of just ignoring them and living a self absorbed life like some people do.


Senior Contributor

Re: Immersive flashbacks and intrusive imagery

Your not babbling and of course it's natural with you that you've been through to have difficulties trusting people or fear that they could reject you etc.
Try not to turn on yourself,you are worthy of good things,you didn't deserve what happened to you-objectively no one does- and your not an attention seeker although I don't necessarily think it is a bad thing to draw attention to oneself.

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