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Re: Topic Tuesday // Feeling anxious when away from your loved one // Tues. 24 Apr. 7pm - 9pm AEST

Thanks @NikNik

Hi @Former-Member@TAB@Tanglefoot


Re: Topic Tuesday // Feeling anxious when away from your loved one // Tues. 24 Apr. 7pm - 9pm AEST

I worry, like I did around my mothers passing 12mths ago yest that after/during the emotional ‘stuff’ I am confronted by my own mortality.. and see/well saw it is selfish but it reality I guess. And no one will be there for me when Im infirm and dying

Re: Topic Tuesday // Feeling anxious when away from your loved one // Tues. 24 Apr. 7pm - 9pm AEST

Leaving Mr D alone the first time after he attempted was scary for me. Now 2 1/2 years on I do worry if he goes somewhere on his own.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Feeling anxious when away from your loved one // Tues. 24 Apr. 7pm - 9pm AEST

Hi everyone sorry for being lazy with tags 😸

Re: Topic Tuesday // Feeling anxious when away from your loved one // Tues. 24 Apr. 7pm - 9pm AEST

It’s not all the time but I usually guess when my daughter has decided she doesn’t need her medication and just leaving her for short periods of time causes worry. I’m also a shift worker and have rung in sick because I don’t want to leave her

Re: Topic Tuesday // Feeling anxious when away from your loved one // Tues. 24 Apr. 7pm - 9pm AEST

@TAB - that is definitely confronting. It's not selfish at all.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Feeling anxious when away from your loved one // Tues. 24 Apr. 7pm - 9pm AEST

Well me father is dying basically although no one knows when but its a one way street he is 93 and multiple health issues and has just been put in a home re me trying to explain why I’m saying what Im saying

Re: Topic Tuesday // Feeling anxious when away from your loved one // Tues. 24 Apr. 7pm - 9pm AEST

Well. Friend since school told me he felt same way after his mother passed recently @NikNik

Re: Topic Tuesday // Feeling anxious when away from your loved one // Tues. 24 Apr. 7pm - 9pm AEST

@Former-Member - understandable! Leaving him alone for the first time must have been a huge step.
It sounds like things are getting better now though - you are still 'worried' but would I be right in saying, it's not as scary?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Feeling anxious when away from your loved one // Tues. 24 Apr. 7pm - 9pm AEST

@Tanglefoot - your story is so common, particularly around calling in sick for work when things aren't going so well.
I hope you have a supportive work place.
Is your daughter still living with you?

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