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Senior Contributor

Depression anxiety


I'm a newbie here, and I’m having a really hard time.  I live alone, have no family and feel so lost and isolated with my anxiety and depression. Have seen a doctor recently

108 REPLIES 108

Re: Depression anxiety

@Lula hey, welcome to the forums, really glad to have you with us! I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so disconnected, it's soooo tough. Many of our members use this space as a way to stay connected, and as a safe space to be able to talk openly about mental health stuff! If you'd like, you can join us over at the Newbie's Social Club to get to know some folks! 


We have some other guides for new members, like Getting started with your first post, a list of our social spaces, some tips for communicating online, and some other Tips & Tricks


Hope you find what you're looking for here hun 😊💜

Re: Depression anxiety

Hi @Lula.  Welcome to the forum.  I'm sorry you're having such a hard time.  I know what it's like to be alone and how tough that is.  You said you've seen a doctor recently, do you have a mental health care plan?  My GP called me in earlier in the year and convinced me to go on one.  It gives 10 subsidised psychology visits a year.  Still not free but a lot more affordable than without.


To be fair, they psychology visits didn't help me a lot, but just talking to them made me think about thing slightly differently and gave me some new ideas to try so in then end, I guess it did help.


I know when I was at my worst with the loneliness, it was so easy to see myself as worthless, unlikable and made everything feel pointless so I sort of gave up and the depression and anxiety just got so much worse.  It seemed utterly useless to try and even talk to anybody.  I joined an online forum, similar to this one, one for the first time ever talked about my struggles with other people.  It gave me enough confidence to keep trying and things did get better. 


Why I find it so hard to make connection with anyone is still a work in progress for me and i'm still trying to change things but it takes time.  I've joined a few support groups which I enjoy and it give me an opportunity to spend time with people I become familiar with and just talk.  It seems like such a small thing, but when you spend most of your time sitting at home by yourself, it makes a huge difference.  After a while I even started to open up a bit with them and talk about the things I'd always struggled with.


I wish I had better advice for you, because I know what it's like to be without any family.  Well, family who treat me like I exist anyway, and it's exhausting trying to deal with the feelings that constantly grind you down.  So don't give up (it will only make things worse) and keep trying new thing and reaching out like you have here.  I hope you can start to improve things for yourself soon.

Re: Depression anxiety

Thank you for your reply @MJG017
Your advice is appreciated and I’ve been working on all that before today.
Are you a real person ?
Sorry but replying to your user name MJG017 seems like maybe I’m replying to a bot or a non-person.

Re: Depression anxiety

Thank you for your reply Jynx.
I am computer literate, but I’m finding this website so difficult, same with Beyond Blue. I’ve been so stressed out I’m not sure how I’ll keep going.
Are you a real person ?
Sorry but replying to your user name Jynx seems like maybe I’m replying to a bot or a non-person.

Re: Depression anxiety

Not to worry @Lula I'm a real person! And so is @MJG017 😁

With the prevalence of AI and bots everywhere on the internet, I think it's a totally reasonable question to ask. 


Here, I took this pic so you know I'm real! 




Haha don't mind my messy handwriting, it's hard to write on whiteboard when you're left handed 😅


So you're not the first to find it hard to navigate the forums, and it's something we're actively working on! In the meantime, is there anything in particular you're having trouble finding, or anything I could do to help guide you? 

Re: Depression anxiety

@Lula we're all real people, the odd bame are just to keep in anonymius.  MJG are my initials.  

I assumed you had been working on these things before... it's all we seem to do isnt it?  trying to figure out what we're doing wrong or why things haven't turned out better etc etc.  Its mentally exhausting continually trying to improve things 

Re: Depression anxiety

@Lula I've worked with compuers for over 40 years and I found this forum took me a little while to work out fully so feel free to ask about anything you're having issues with.


The stress does get so difficult a lot of the time and can feel like there will never be an end to it.  I try to look for small breaks from it to get myself a chance to 'recharge'.  Talking to people here, for example, gives me those breaks as sharing my problems with people who understand does that for me.  Plus the Thursday and Sunday night social chats here are a great way to get to know some of the people here as well, which again, gives me a 'mental break' from the stress.


@Jynx I know well the battles us lefties face every day.  Nice work with the photo... I would have never thought of that.

Re: Depression anxiety

Hehe thanks @MJG017 got the idea from reddit - it's how they confirm it's a real person when someone wants to do an AMA (it's a subreddit called 'Ask Me Anything, really interesting stuff on there!) 😉


Also LOL someone who's got a very good knowledge of computers found this space hard to navigate 🤣 Iconic! But not to worry it's being worked on mercilessly haha. In fact we're always looking for insights and feedback from members - we want this space to be built by and for the people it serves! So if you have any suggestions or anything feel free to let us know! You can use the feedback form or email us via

Up to you of course, absolutely no pressure 💜

Re: Depression anxiety

@Jynx That explains it then.... I try to avoid reddit.I have seen some AMA threads elsewhere though, very interesting some of them.


Don't worry about the site feedback... I've done my bit and had my session with the developers a few weeks back and gave some feedback.  Hopefully I've helped to make it a bit more "grumpy old man" friendly  😊

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