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My bi polar husband left christmas eve

I am Distressed as my bi polar husband left Christmas eve and has ghosted me since. He has chosen to block me out. We had a lot of stress leading up to Christmas. He lost his job , our daughter had cancer and was in icu 7 weeks , we sold house and moved, and a daughters wedding on 5 Jan to name a few. He has told a couple of daughters in text message he is working on his mental health and isn't ready to face home environment. I just wish he would contact  and let me know what he is thinking. I have given him space and not messaged too much or called too much. I didn't want to scare him. I am a mess waiting in limbo. I love him dearly. We have been  together 16 years  married nearly 12. I just don't know what to do. 


Re: My bi polar husband left christmas eve

Hey @Teevee,


Welcome to the Forums and thank you for sharing with the community of peers!


It sounds so tough what you and your family are going through right now. You are demonstrating your resilience and strength by sharing your story and reaching out to your peers. It's not an easy thing to do and it takes courage to be vulnerable with others.


Some services can support you as a carer and provide you with a Counsellor to speak with about the situation with your husband. They may be able to support you in other ways and guide you through this time which we are usually not equipped to handle when something like this happens. Please see some carers services below:


SANE also has cares support with a Counsellor on our Support Line, Monday to Friday from 10 am to 8 pm: SANE Support Line: 1800 187 263 Counselling. And in SANE's Guided Service you can have regular 1:1 sessions with a Counsellor or Peer Support Worker: Guided service (


Please continue to have discussions on the Forums with the community.


Thanks again for being part of our community!


Take Care


Re: My bi polar husband left christmas eve

Thank you so much for answering me I truly am struggling.

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