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Thank you!

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to let you know how helpful I have found the information posted here by quite a number of people in response to my earlier posts. My husband has major depression and has been receiving treatment in a clinic. This process was a stressful one for us both, including the time leading up to the hospital stay when he was not doing well, the time during the treatment and the discharge process frm the clinic which was less than smooth.
However, as a result of your input, I have found myself being far more assertive and proactive which has included a letter to the clinic expressing my dissatisfaction with some aspects of the process and I have made contact with carer support organisations and have a couple of referrals in for programs for both myself and my husband. Thankyou for helping me navigate a way through/ into the system! 😊


Re: Thank you!

Hey Pen, what a lively post and so glad that this time around was a better experience for you.
Please keep us posted as sounds though you are both going to link into some good stuff which will help you both out heaps! Yay!

Re: Thank you!

Hi @Pen 


It's so awesome to read your message. Thank you for coming back & sharing.

I think @PeppiPatty  , @Hobbit , @zipper & @Alf will be really glad to read this too.

I'm in awe of your determination and strength through this. GOOD ON YOU for speaking up! Also I was delighted to read that you're looking after yourself too. Keep us updated on how it's all going.

I hope you stick around the forums. Your insights and experience will be so valuable to others who are going through similar situations.



Re: Thank you!

Hello @Pen,

so right on what NikNik writes.

Every step you have taken is valuable for us and others to read.
Just another47yr.

Re: Thank you!

Thanks guys! Certainly feeling a bit more positive!

Re: Thank you!

Just brilliant - Im glad our collective voices could assist you


I am starting up a peer to peer support group called Familes Talking Depression just for wives and partners of men with depression.  At the moment only on facebook 

I think sometimes when wives become carers we get a bit lost among the big carer groups and our needs can be that bit different as well.  





Re: Thank you!

Hi @Pen 

Just can't help myself....what an excellent post you wrote, I'm so glad you are in a more positive state!!

I'm really happy to hear these forums and all the great people that post here have helped you out. It's what the forums are for.

So everyone (you all know who you are) all pat yourselves on the back knowing that you are all contributing to a really supportive and helpful community that really makes a difference.

In other words, you're all wonderful!!



Re: Thank you!

Hi, dod you know about varers Victoria?. they are a great support for us carers. look them up and join if your not already joined up. all the best . Patricia . I joined here today.

Re: Thank you!

Whats the name of your support group on face book please. Patricia

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