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Looking after ourselves

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

6320 steps today.


Not applicable

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

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Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Only 5798 steps today

No yard work today as I was  at a university open day. 


From all my time on my feet cleaning up the yard in t feels like the base of my feet are one big blister. Doesn't look that bad and once I am moving around it is ok but after sitting for a while when I first get up it is not very nice.


Also have to go for an xray on my knee after a bump I had a couple of weeks ago. Again while I loving it is ok but when sitting with it bent for a while it gets quite stiff and clicks when I start moving.  Asked the gp about it and she wants it checked out. 

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

16157 steps today.

All of this yard work is doing me wonders in more ways than I expected. 

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

12500 steps today on a roll. Just need to keep it up after the yard work is done 🙂

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Quieter day today, only 4964 steps. 

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Fairly slack 2700 steps today. Hoping to make up for it tomorrow between work and setup/ pack up for a student lunch that I am organising at uni. 

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

9700 steps today

Happy with that 🙂

Re: Self care- walking and cycling

Looks like the walking is going really well @Determined! What's helped to keep you motivated? 

Re: Self care- walking and cycling


Rather than intentional exercise it has been the  need to get our large yard tidied up for sale and this week I have been back at uni getting both work and study so a bit of work involved assisting in coordination of student events. 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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