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Re: Fragile

Hugs @Appleblossom 

Great to see you 😀 How are you going today my friend 🧡 

Re: Fragile


It's lovely to hear from you. 

Sleepy bye now. 

Just for a little while then back to handsewing The doggies. 


Remember to rest @Zoe7 you are doing your own life 💗 💗 💗 



Re: Fragile




Re: Fragile

Aah dear @Shaz51 


Much better today. Thank you for asking. I was very vulnerable jittery and low for a few months. It is so difficult as carers to stop the emotional contagion. Anyway we are slowly getting back to a more even keel.


Hope you are alright.

Re: Fragile

@PeppyPatti @Appleblossom Finally school holidays so a lot of rest will be happening. Love to you both 💕

Re: Fragile

Oh @Zoe7 

It's very nice to see you. Bed is a lovely place to stay in earlier at night ......




Re: Fragile

It is very cold here at present @PeppyPatti so bed is a good place to be in the evening. I have had the heater going non-stop so my power bill is going to be huge ...but I will tackle that when it comes.

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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