Thanks @ArraDreaming
I just have some personal stuff clashing in the background. It’s not great timing. I appreciate your support. Thank you for your kind words
I'm sorry you feel you have to quit your course. Do you think the expectations for yourself are too much? I know that you like to hand things in straight away.
Remember, course co-ordinators WANT you to succeed. Adjustments can be put in place to support you.
Take some time to think about it @Oaktree
We are here for you no matter what you decide.
Yes @Oaktree as @tyme says, only you can decide what's best for you.
However, before you make a final decision, perhaps talk to someone at TAFE to find out about special consideration and what are the options for your course. I haven't been to TAFE for about 3 decades I think, so not sure how it works now.
Also, perhaps discuss with your psychologist to maybe get some strategies regardless of whether or not you do discontinue.
I have supports in place at Tafe with the access and disability people as well as having had a couple of yarns with the Aboriginal liason. Had a chat with her this arvo actually. She is going to email me and check in next week and she is wondering if I want to use my extensions that I have organised with access and disability,
Oh that's great @Oaktree to have accessed those supports
I didn't realise you were mob, so great to have Aboriginal liaison involved as well
You've really been diligent in looking after yourself and still acing your course with everything else going on - such an inspiration
Thanks @Till23
Really I think it’s a mental battle in my own head and not a reflection of my ability. I just have to try and push through
Yeah, I'd say it's definitely not a reflection of your ability @Oaktree with everything you've achieved in this course like early submissions and perfect scores.
It shows how resilient you are to achieve so much with a lot of MH issues in the background
It sounds like the anxiety of doing things to your standards may also be something to consider in terms of getting the adequate supports. @Oaktree
Are there certain parts of the assignments that you think we can support you with?
I know you don't want to give this course up. In my perspective, as hard as it is, I believe you can do it. I'm so so glad you have reached out to all those at TAFE who can help you. That's really amazing.
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