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Writing about happiness . . . reminds me about Kay Jamiso...

Writing about happiness . . . reminds me about Kay Jamison's EXUBERANCE, another fantastic book!

Fancy giving us a blurb morning star?

Fancy giving us a blurb morning star?

Thank you for your comment Karma. I think it is a very ha...

Thank you for your comment Karma.

I think it is a very hard thing for people not to be self-absorbed. And to what degree?

On one hand, I find narcissism, very unappealing, on the other, self-absorbtion and depression have a very negative symbiotic relationship.

I empathise with the depressed, and I worry that overinflated self-esteem is my Shadow.

And as well as being told that I'm 'too much,' I've also been told that I over-think things.

So, as for studying happiness, I'll leave that to the experts and just enjoy it. I think?


Will have to read this one.

Touched With Fire didn't change my life, It frightened and inspired me. Just like the best drummers do.

Thanks morningstar.

Re: Thank you for your comment Karma. I think it is a very ha...

Is your Shadow Freudian or Jungian, JJ? I'm not familiar with either, I just now looked it up.

Re: Books that have changed our lives

@JubileeJohnson I am very much been all about me these last few weeks.
I too know what your saying but you are making amazing insight for others ie like myself I hope that I can learn from others to be able to not make everything about me and be able to offer advice and support like you do

Re: Thank you for your comment Karma. I think it is a very ha...

I don't know if my shadow is Freudian or Jungian BG. I have a sneaking suspcion that he might be Armenian.

Tish Boom.

Re: Books that have changed our lives

This one's for you kato:

Now there was a man with insight!

Re: Thank you for your comment Karma. I think it is a very ha...

Hello, I enjoyed your email Jubilee....

I personally would not listen to what people are saying to you....overthink....too much.
Like you already know , can squash your creativity. life is hard...because there are people in it.... Take the criticism with a ....tablespoon of salt.


I remember my Dad telling me I'm too much was all so he could impress someone and he didn't want me speaking to them.
Be yourself. I always find the conversation of talking about the weather a good tension breaker....i
the weather always changes

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