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Re: Christian Chat

Actually, I was going through a very very stressful time in my real life @Dimity . the forums were a comfort to me, but in real life, things were super hard. Even the doctor said it was stress-related because people who are 'well' shouldn't be getting shingles. It's very rare.

Re: Christian Chat

Ah. You're in my prayers @tyme 

Re: Christian Chat

Likewise @Dimity . Thank you.

Re: Christian Chat

Shared from Soul Shepherding. 



Re: Christian Chat

Do you want to talk about what's been stressing you @tyme ? 

With you regardless. 

Re: Christian Chat

*runs and gives @tyme a gentle non-painful hug*


I had shingles 10 years ago, not as bad as yours, mine didn't blister, my right shoulder quadrant. 


I've noticed that you've been off for over a week and have been really concerned wondering if you're ok but too nervous to ask. I asked Rav3n and she didn't know. You've been in my prayers, I do deeply care about you @tyme and typically enjoy our chats. 

I really liked the hymn chat...


What a friend we have in Jesus

All our sins and griefs to bear

What a privilege to carry

Everything to God in prayer


Oh what peace we often forfeit

Oh what needless pain we bear

All because we do not carry

Everything to God in prayer



Thank you @Dimity for asking when I couldn't

Re: Christian Chat

Thanks @avant-garde 

Re: Christian Chat

Hey @Dimity ,


Thanks for making space and asking. 


There are just a lot of changes in my life at the moment, and I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing. I think that is the stress of it.


It's okay. I will manage.

Re: Christian Chat

It sounds like you're dealing with some big issues @tyme . I trust you have people on your side and you're not trying to tough it out on your own. I found something called Immanuel Journaling can help sometimes.

I'm spinning out a bit. I've only been home a week and I'm not out of the woods yet.  


Re: Christian Chat

You've been so so brave @Dimity . I know how hard the last few weeks have been for you. 


Can you tell me more about Immanuel Journalling?

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