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Re: Good Morning!


Re: Good Morning!



I appreciate the thought but that was confusing and overwhelming


  1. It's not tabalugas anymore
  2. I don't do secular music, too much risk of triggers I can't handle
  3. I'm not awake enough to do links without knowing context or what it's referring to

The daily achievements seems useful though, so thank you

Re: Good Morning!

apologies @avant-garde 

Re: Good Morning!

Good afternoon @Glisten @TAB @tyme @Oaktree @greenpea @Shaz51 @Former-Member @StuF @Appleblossom and all forumites here. I hope your Monday has been better than mine!


Thanks for the kind words of support @Glisten @TAB!


As for today:

-This morning-  VCAT gave the current owner the bond but we got to stay until 13/12.

4 hours later- new owners cancelled the new property via the new property manager due to changes in their circumstances. My housemate called consumer affairs and they believe this is illegal as we’ve signed a lease and have paid both the bond and 4 weeks rent in advance. We can take the new owners to VCAT for breach of contract and they may be made to uphold the lease for the 12 months contract period. My housemate is seeking further legal advice on this tomorrow morning via lawyers and other professionals. It could also be a potential compensation payout for us via the new owners as well depending on what happens. Let’s just say thank goodness for my knitting and the cricket- sanity busters for me and my mental health! Things have to improve for me and my life someway somehow! 1 thing is certain- I’m definitely going in my cruise in June next year as I’ll need it after all of this mess. Give me a rough sail period any day compared to this housing mess! 

Take care and stay safe!


Re: Good Morning!

Sorry to hear things not going as should with housing @Judi9877 

Re: Good Morning!



I hope everything works out in your favour with the new lease. You do have a contract so hopefully all good! I am sure consumer affairs can help

Re: Good Morning!

What a mess @Judi9877 !!!


I hope it all works out asap

Re: Good Morning!

Oh @Judi9877 I’m so sad for you!

What the hell is going on? Do you think it was an attempted money grab?

What is freaking wrong with people?

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @Glisten @Oaktree @TAB @StuF @avant-garde @tyme @Shaz51 @Snowie @Jynx @rav3n @Ru-bee @Lauz @Meowmy @Former-Member @Emelia8 @Historylover @oceangirl @NatureLover @Appleblossom @Faith-and-Hope and all forumites here today. I hope you have a fantastic day!


Thank you @Glisten @Oaktree @TAB and others for all the kind and support you gave me yesterday in regards to my current housing situation predicament. It’s very much appreciated and I value our friendship highly so thank you for what you said to me. 

Overnight has been difficult for me and in to this morning when I had phases of not wanting to wake up and face the world given my current situation. It was like what’s the point? However, I’ve decided that I will give myself something to focus on whilst my housemate goes about dealing with the housing situation- lodging a VCAT application for breach of contract and contacting the new property manager explaining that a lease has been executed and under the laws, must be adhered to- so I’m now going to work on knitting a sleeve for the kids jumper I started knitting on Friday and go from there. I’ve also found enough wool in my stash to be able to knit a new kids jumper after this one so at least I’ve got something else to continue to work on. Hopefully this makes my life just a little bit more bearable knowing I’m making something for charity and to be able to make a small kid warm when it is given to the charity for a donation.


I'd like to believe I’m a good person despite my issues/faults and that sometimes bad things happen to good people through no fault of their own. I’m also trying to hold on to hope that I have to experience bad things in order for good things to happen, and I know that with my housing situation at the moment, I at least reached the point of my rental application being accepted and being given a lease, even if there is trouble at the moment with it. I also get strength from other elements in life such as my love of the Brisbane Lions AFL team knowing that last year, they lost the Grand Final only to come back and win it this year which indicates that good things can and do happen after bad things. In addition to this, I’m also a believer of astrology and what happens in my horoscope despite knowing that different astrologers have different ideas as to what is going on in that world and I’m to take out what I believe in and go from there. Resilience is something I’m learning that I have and the ability to bounce back from adversity is a strength not to be ignored so I’m happy that I do have this skill in some level, especially in regards to mental health and coping skills. What will be will be I guess!


Take care and stay safe.


Re: Good Morning!

you will get there @Judi9877 😊

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