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Re: Good Morning!

I'm really sorry I haven't written the point of that story. Please know I'm not great at stories --: 

I'm certainly not writing any similarity in you. 


What is very impressive with you is that you are honestly sorting out your feelings and getting through yet another hiccup in the best health ever. 

Even when you mentioned that your Gp giving you bulk bill, I'm so impressed that you are  mindful of all of the kindness your getting from supports. 

So different from that lady who very quickly took advantage of someone just trying to get kind. 

Re: Good Morning!

Good evening @Appleblossom! Hello @PeppyPatti @avant-garde @tyme @Former-Member @TAB @Shaz51 @Jynx @Glisten @greenpea @Snowie @StuF @ArraDreaming @ENKELI @Faith-and-Hope @Ru-bee @rav3n @Meowmy and all forumites here tonight. I hope your day has gone well for you!


@Former-Member thanks for the astrology stuff! Very interesting to read and know about.

@avant-garde I’m glad the medical procedure went well. You are a brave and strong person! Well done!

Thank you to everyone for the kind and supportive words regarding my current housing situation. Very much appreciated! The new property manager is standing by her canceling of the new lease despite it being a clear breach of contract under the residential laws here in Victoria and all of us involved knowing this. This therefore means it’s going to VCAT for a hearing where she’ll have to explain herself as to why the landlord’s circumstances have changed and why she failed to follow correct legal procedures for the notice to cancel the lease. We’ve been told that the lease has to stand and she has to honour the contract by several legal teams as well as consumer affairs Victoria and if she fails to do this, it will be a very costly exercise for the landlord involved, such as having to pay the lease out and compensation for us. Obviously she thinks she’s above the law and can do what she likes and that the landlord obviously has more money than sense to pay us out- let the games begin! My housemates sister works for a legal organisation and is prepared to give the property manager and the landlord a lesson in residential laws along with reporting the real estate agency to the

relevant authorities so they can investigate the situation. Oh, and there are several politicians on notice ready to take the case on board as well as potential media outlets so it’s not going to end well for them. My housemate and I are regarded as being vulnerable members of the community because we are on DSP benefits and also NDIS recipients amongst other things which won’t look good on the property manager or the landlord if they don’t adhere to the legally binding contract. There is a possibility that our current property manager and/or landlord has potentially done something to cause this new lease to be cancelled as they made some comments in the past about ensuring we don’t get a property with a real estate agency ever again because of the inspection last month (our current landlord did call our previous property manager which we discovered as he mentioned it to us in a conversation) so again, if this is discovered to be true, there could be more legal implications for them and what they’ve done. Alas, it’s 1 huge legal circus for myself and my housemate in terms of our housing situation with me hoping us will be a winner out of all of this mess and we do secure a property someway somehow. Who knows? It could actually start raining cash for us and we can use it to help our situation! Weirder things have happened and anything is possible🍀

It’s time for me to go and try and finish the kids jumper I’ve been working on since Friday afternoon with one sleeve still to complete before doing the neck and sewing it up to give to charity.


Take care and stay safe!



Re: Good Morning!

@avant-garde WooHoo 🥳 another West Australian.

I’m in Perth's northern suburbs [edited by moderator] 🐴

Re: Good Morning!




Re: Good Morning!

Hey @avant-garde 

So impressed - another Western Australian. 



Re: Good Morning!

I have been covering my best friends Christmas present with stickers because she likes picking them off

Re: Good Morning!

@avant-garde Anonymity is a nice suburb. I drove through there last week.

Re: Good Morning!



Sorry I really suck at understanding sarcasm because I tried looking it up and that's in Arizona not Australia

Re: Good Morning!

@avant-garde 😆 too funny 

Re: Good Morning!



It wasn't meant to be funny, I genuinely ask because I don't understand sarcasm.


It is quite normal for neurodivergents to not understand sarcasm, especially in the written form. 

Even verbally I struggle.

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