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Re: Tabaluga's


yair when you get house @Bill16  we'll all come around for house warming.. @Meowmy  will do donuts on batgirlcycle in lounge rooom @StuF  will 'accidently' set fire to back paddock after shooting @ neighbours etc etc ..


Sounds like fun @TAB  I'm in. 

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

..Hilarious @oceangirl  thanks for pla😊ying along ..

Re: Tabaluga's

@Former-Member I hope your evening passed uneventfully. Unless it was eventful because you won millions in lotto. Or is that just my dream? Lol!


The F16 is still chugging along, I am thankful I haven't had to use it the past week, though next Friday looks like it's going to be a scorcher. Blech!


No, new printers are just not worthy any more. I bought one 20 years ago for around $300 and it was still going strong. Only problem is they don't make ink cartridges for it any more. I ended up buying a $39 Canon 5 years ago and to my surprise it still works. I hope you find a decent replacement.

Re: Tabaluga's

Ah @Bill16 Paris is going well, despite no air con. I don't do sneaky skideez but I do like to plant the slipper as my mother calls it at the lights and watch the Falcons and Commodores eat my dust. Paris is very naughty like that. Before I got new tyres we had a few skideez. 


My very eloquent cousin once commented "I bet she runs like a shower of sh*t!" Yes cuz, she does indeed.


Saving up for air conditioning now. Time to start applying for jobs again. Booooring! 

Re: Tabaluga's

@Bill16  good night Bill16. sleep wellx

Re: Tabaluga's

@Former-Member The A-frame is a hot box. Stupid building design to have in Australia.

Senior Contributor

Re: Tabaluga's

@greenpea  well done on your findings. hi and and goodbye everyone who is left here

Re: Tabaluga's

Re: Tabaluga's

Ni night @Meowmy may flights of angels, sing thee to thy rest.

Re: Tabaluga's


Nite @Meowmy 


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