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Re: Pets and favourite animal movies

Now I am going off on a new tangent.all things animal related as they are such a healing force!
If you love Happy Feet, what else do you rate in your library?
Finding Nemo gets a lot of airplay....Warhorse and Red dog...
As for nature documentaries, cannot get enough!

Re: Talking about pets.

Hey Kenny66

If you look at the taskbar just above where you type you see the smily face, two squares to the right you will see a tiny picture of a tree. If you click on this you will then be able to upload any pic you wish.





Re: Pets and favourite animal movies

Hey Alessandra1992

Seeing that I am a bit of a Dory at times Nemo certainly rates. Red Dog is such a moving movie. I had forgotten all about Warhorse until you mentioned it, that was a particularily fin movie.

The Lion King MUST rate right up there and I really loved How to Train Your Dragon. Oh i just remembered the dancing penguin scene in Mary Poppins hehehehehe.

I could watch nature docos constantly.



Re: Pets and favourite animal movies

Ooh I love how to train your dragon! And I forgot about Lion King...
National Velvet with Elisabeth Taylor blew me away when I was a young gal...
And I have really enjoyed Curious George, pokoyo and one show which I can't decided if they're pets or people, the Boohbahs on ABC3 a few years ago...

Re: A mere cat..funny

This is a funny meer cat meme...puts a smile on your dial..😄

Re: Pets and favourite animal movies

Oh my gosh the list just goes on and on dosen't it!



Re: Talking about pets.

Thanks Harry

Re: Pets and favourite animal movies

My Favourite animal movie is a Dog Named Hachiko.. Makes me cry everytime I watch it.



Re: Pets and favourite animal movies

Cats and Dogs and all the Buddy movies!  So happy my kids loved animal movies Smiley Happy

Re: Talking about pets.

Hi Cherry


As promised here is a picture of Jasper Smiley Very HappyJASPER - African Love Bird

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