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A very lonely life what is the secret.

Hello Everyone and Good evening, 


TW: Sexual Assault


I have had a very lonely life all my life, my family think that I am used to it and I am far from it,

Content/trigger warning
I have been sexually asulted about 8 times in my life probably more.

I have a Serve Intellectual Disability, I have Asistim I have been abused and used by most people in my life, I don't even know why I am still alive today, thanks to gv health who have saved my life multiple times I was treated like an adult baby most of my child hood so I don't know what a normal life is. I'm learning now, I had a mum and dad who never had time for me, so I spent a lot of time in my room growing up unless they wanted something, I hate birthdays especially. My mum and I used to fight every year because we shared the same birthdays so we used to fight every year. I never felt included in concerstations at the dinner table I was always the slave in the family to clean up the mess. I cant remmeber having a birthday or a moment with my family where I felt connected, I LOST both my parents and grandparents so I HAVE no family aroound me so I live quite Isolated. I am greatfull for this programme and glad i finally figurered out how to use it probably, 

I would love to make friendships on hear some how, I also Have COMPLEX PTSD, ongoing chronic anxiety and massive depression disorder. 


Thank you for welcoming me to this community. 


Re: A very lonely life what is the secret.

Hey there,


Welcome to the forums. It's so great to have you with us.


I'm sorry to hear that life has been so tough for you. 


You are very brave to be able to reach out.


What are some things you enjoy? @Jessica1984 


I'll also send you an email.

Re: A very lonely life what is the secret.

Hi @Jessica1984 


Welcome to this community, you are safe here to be yourself 💜


It sounds like you have had some stressful and difficult experiences in your life. I'm sorry you've felt lonely. It sounds like you have a lot of sadness. 


You are reaching out now to others like yourself here on the forums, who also want to share their feelings and hopefully work through things to feel better. Life isn't always easy, it's ok to feel down, but you're not alone. You can always reach out here. 

Feel free to Introduce yourself here if you haven’t already!


What are some of your hobbies or favourite TV shows? 

Re: A very lonely life what is the secret.

Hello and welcome , Loneleyness thats definetitely something Im dealing with currently ,would really appreciate talking if youd like to ,also have anxiety ,PTSD,Depression ,hoping we could relate a little ,lonelyness can be so difficult ,wishing you Kindness on your Journey @LostAngel 

Re: A very lonely life what is the secret.

thank you for your lovely comment. I enjoy doing crafty things, like dimond art, colouring, lego, I'm not that creative and I would like to expand on that, have you got any suggestions? Do you guys meet up at all on this site? 

Re: A very lonely life what is the secret.

Thank you, lonely is a killer I feel, i am happy for you to message me anytime. I am lonely all the time and it is what is making me sick.

Re: A very lonely life what is the secret.

Hey @Jessica1984 ,


I've sent you an email. 


No, we can't meet up. This is an anonymous forum, so we don't share contact details. We only connect with each other here online.


I LOVE lego too! And diamond art! These are all things other members like to do too!


Have a look here Lego anyone? 

Re: A very lonely life what is the secret.

Sorry I replied in the wrong spot, my bad. Thank you for your comment.
I enjoy a couple of things, I like to do Dimond art, Painting, cross stiching but one of my issues is is sticking to things or blamming every one else but myself.

Re: A very lonely life what is the secret.

Hi @Jessica1984 


If you type the @ symbol, names will appear in the dropdown box. You can then click on them to add their name to the chat and the person will be notified when you reply 🙂 


Lonliness is so difficult. Have you been down to your local community centre and checked out any of their programs? My local one has a coffee and chat Tuesday where people can sit and have a chat with anybody who comes in. There may be some games to play, you might even bring your diamond art to do there? 



Re: A very lonely life what is the secret.


Yes I have unfortunately and where I live they only have old people that come along but as of next week after my foot surgery I will be going to the pool and gym, 🙂
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