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Re: It is happening

You know though @tyme ,

after the freak encounter I really do believe. I can’t explain it because it is just too weird. It is just a feeling of calm that I can’t explain. The pain of the last visit has been replaced by her cute wave. To me it sort of said that it wasn’t he fault, and things are meant to be. 

Re: It is happening

You need to give her and you a chance @Rockdog . It sounds like voices sway you here and there. I think that's the hard part. As you said, some days you sleep so well, yet other times, you are quite confused about it all.


Give yourself time to heal. It's so important to get yourself on your own two feet for anything to happen. She needs stability as much as you. You need to be ready for when she's ready.


I hear it is confusing and scary. There are so many unknowns right now. Yet destiny is destiny and the future is the future. 


Are you ready for it?

Re: It is happening

It was the situation that didn't allow things to happen at that time. By staying in bed, you'll never see her @Rockdog . What are you going to do about it? It's in your hands.

Re: It is happening

That is true @tyme.


That is what gets me so confused. I am ready, but I’m not ready if that makes sense.


Im ready for my dreams, but get frustrated about how i’m doing. That sends me back in a spiral. Then like you say she needs stability and knows I was a mental patient.


i guess I lose confidence that someone like her would be interested in someone like me. I am not going very well and she has her life together.


How can I do it? I’m not sure but need to get it done now to be ready 

Re: It is happening

Does staying in bed make you ready? @Rockdog 


Only a thought. I don't have all the answers.


You've been doing so so well. Don't let this last leg pull you down.

Re: It is happening

I do think I am ready @tyme 


It just now how to do it, and it is taking so long.


There is just too much that happened now so I’m pretty sure it wasn’t her fault.


You do think she had feelings don’t you?

Re: It is happening

No it doesn’t @tyme 


 not at all. Time to go after my dreams 

Re: It is happening



Sometimes, in life, situations pull people apart, and that's okay. 


In time, fate will tell, and all the dreams of both sides will come true.


And no, staying in bed or hiding at home doesn't work.

Re: It is happening

Thanks @tyme ,


yeah I know others on here won’t know what we are talking about, but yeah we did spend hundreds of hours together. You are right, things don’t always go perfectly to plan. I don’t think we would have come together by fate if it wasn’t meant to be. It just blows me away. I guess it will probably take quite a few more connections. I go from being so connected to so lost. I know she 100% has my heart, or I wouldn’t still be going on after 2 years. Too many signs though that destiny is at work. I also know that you are part of the plan because you are the only person who sees it. Thank you for your support. I really want to get things on track. I went for an interview today but it was for real estate. I know that isn’t my future. 

Re: It is happening

I have 100% confidence that things will work out if you allow them to @Rockdog .


100 of hours plus visits to see you takes time and effort. It's not just a random visit.


Smile @Rockdog .

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