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Re: I can’t cope

Hiya @Captain24 just popping in to say G'day! How you going this sunny Monday? Did you have a good weekend?

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Jynx 


So good to see you. 

I had lunch with my bestie today. We went to one of the pubs. It was so good to see her but she is really down and I struggled a lot with that. 

How has your day been? 

Re: I can’t cope

Aww cute as @Captain24!! Sounds like it was a bit tough to sit with though, is that because it's hard to see your friend in pain, or because it's hard for you to spare energy to be supportive? Bit of both? Something else entirely?


My day has been super chill, managed to enjoy some sunshine on my back! It's such a short window we have where it is warm enough to lounge in the sun, but not so warm that you wanna escape it, you know? Haha where is the land of perpetual Autumn? Cos that's where I'd live if I could!


Much on this week?

Re: I can’t cope

It’s the first time we have seen each other in years. @Jynx She has aged and is extra skinny. She has always been skinny but not this much. I hated seeing her like that. But I just don’t have it in me right now to help. All I could do was listen. Her living arrangements are just going to end in disaster. 

I was tempted to go lay in the sun but I went and had a nap instead. I was exhausted. 

Nah we have summer first and that’s what I’m looking forward to! Love me some hot sunshine! 

Re: I can’t cope

Well you know as well as anyone that sometimes, just having a listening ear is all we need @Captain24 so even if you feel you could have done more to be supportive, maybe that's actually all she needed.


Sounds like you're seeing some impending doom on the horizon for her, but it's okay to not be able to spare that energy to try to intervene! She might not want you to anyway. Sometimes people need to make their own mistakes, else they'll never learn the lesson their mistakes are teaching em!


Ugh all you summer-lovers are becoming insufferable!! I get sooooo cranky in the heat, and absolutely revile the feeling of being sweaty.


I make joke I make joke... It is nice to see you (and others) excited about the weather! I'm just complaining because it's now sneezy-season, followed by cranky-sweaty season, and they are gonna be here for the next six months or so! So.... hurrumph! 😤😅😝

Re: I can’t cope

All I could do was try @Jynx.


She knows her living situation is going to blow up. She is on her dad’s property and there is no privacy as they just come down to the house and let themselves in. The house is falling apart and if she renovates it she may get kicked out anyway. She can’t afford to rent or buy in town as it’s just too expensive. 

I have a Telehealth appointment in the morning with my psych and I can’t get the emails to download on my laptop. It’s a mess and all too hard. I don’t even know if I have to down load Telehealth? I’m just going to have to try from my mobile. Hopefully I don’t need an app. It’s really getting to me. I hate that I’m so useless. I can’t even get an email to work. What loser can’t simply download an email. 

See… I don’t get how you can like winter. I get so cold and miserable. You have to wear too many clothes. I’m hoping it warms up a lot before the middle of October. I want to get outside and sun bake naked so when I’m on holidays I’ll already have stated a tan. 


Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 oh yeah that sounds super rough for her! Aww I hope it doesn't blow up too much in her face, poor thing!


Yo! Since when is 'lack of knowledge' grounds for someone to be called a loser? It isn't your fault if you haven't been taught a piece of information! And if the psych hasn't provided explicit instructions that step you through the process, then whose fault is that? If you say yours cos you didn't ask.... I will make you write lines! You'll have to write "I am NOT a loser for not having all the information. I am NOT a loser for not having all the information"....


I mean, I wouldn't, haha I am being cheeky, but still - it's not your fault hun! Worst case scenario, surely they can just call you and have the session over the phone?


See the layers is what I like!! When I'm cold, I just put on another layer. But when I'm too hot, I can't keep taking layers off, or I'll end up with no skin!! There's no escape from the hot, whereas in the cold so long as you prepare, you're fine!

Re: I can’t cope

I am a loser @Jynx. Most normal

people can work this shit out. There is an app though so I’ll just have to do it on my phone. It does make me feel stupid. I can hear my psych saying ‘feelings aren’t facts’ 


It doesn’t matter how much I plan.. once the cold is in my bones I’m done! 

Any exciting adventures coming up? 

Re: I can’t cope

Nope, still gonna disagree with you there @Captain24  - in fact, it is something I was literally just talking to someone about - is the fact that no one gets computer lessons anymore!! So our technology has become extremely accessible, hooray! But the caveat is that no one knows how to do complex computing stuff anymore. Add that to the fact that there's so many apps and ways of accessing stuff like telehealth, and it's no wonder it causes confusion!


I am glad your psych's words are echoing, cos I'd wanna say something similar haha. But I'll get off this particular ramble now.


Aye I mean I will give you that one - I don't like winter cos I like being cold, I like rugging up against it, but when the cold has set in and your body is all rigid and stuff, yeah that's not fun at all.


Hmm adventures.... No I don't think I do. 😲 What a travesty!! Must plan something. Hmmm what should I do for my next adventure? What about you, what are you doing for your next adventure, going to the beach by the sounds of it, with wanting to work on your tan and all!

Re: I can’t cope

If I can’t figure it out I’ll have to drop my laptop to mum to sort out @Jynx. I’ll just have to use my phone tomorrow. 

Im going to the beach on the 17th with my parents. We all know that I love the beach! We are staying within walking distance to beach. 

Im not sure of an adventure for you. You do cool stuff and I love hearing about it. I’ll have to brainstorm. 


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