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Re: Night Time

Hi @pancakes , really glad you had a better day yesterday! Am crossing fingers and sending wishes for you today...

Re: Night Time

Thank you @NatureLover  🙏 


headspace is still ok this morning. Nervous about it all of course but mentally stronger and hopefully that’ll be enough to see me through the day 👍

Re: Night Time

@pancakes Wishing you all the very best for today. Will have you on my mind and in my heart as the day progresses.


Very worried about our dear friend @Anastasia . You have been very quiet Anastasia, and although I totally understand that ... I also worry. Hope to hear from you when you have a spare moment, and when you feel up to it. Sending all my love and a big hug.

Re: Night Time

@Emelia8 Thanks for the well wishes, much appreciated. Wish I still had anxiety meds though, cause far out, very nerve racking. I’m hoping that my nerves will settle a bit after today, it’s always the not knowing that really gets you. Personal goal would be to not cry today. Didn’t cry at all yesterday which was good, lets not cry in front of strangers again today. I think I’m actually more nervous about my poopy brain letting me down again. I really don’t want to get dragged into that dark headspace again. Very unpleasant place to be. Would like that to not happen again today.


@Former-Member if you have any of those tips or tricks handy to help keep my head straight today I would be open to hearing them 🙂

Not applicable

Re: Night Time

Morning @pancakes,

Here is what I would like to share with you, but please take only what sits right for you...

Sometimes things are really hard and no matter how much we try to hold back the tidal wave of emotion, the feelings that arise from facing life's challenges have a way of knocking the wind out of you. 

To share a little of my experience, when I went through a legal situation I was the most intimidated I'd felt in my life. I remember I couldn't sleep, couldn't think, and I had an overwhelming feeling of anxiety 24/7. What I wish I could have told myself at that time was that it gets better – feelings are not permanent, and whilst you may continue to face challenges as a result of the outcome, that tidal wave of emotion isn't as strong. I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but you have a resilience in you @pancakes that is evident to all in this community and will see you through this tough time. 

Specific tips? Well I think the most important one is to take good care of your body so it can support you through this. What I mean by that is all the boring stuff like:

  • Sleep – or rest if sleep is a challenge
  • Eating healthy – making some meals that you can freeze or having some easy go-to recipes when you have the strength to cook
  • Reaching out to friends/supports to talk through the tough times – don't go it alone, there is always someone who will provide space to sit with you
  • Do nice things – have a bath, go sit by the water, pat a pet, watch funny Youtube clips, anything that can distract you, even for a moment
  • Biggest tip – breathe today! You will no doubt feel a surge of adrenaline as your body braces for the challenge. If you breathe in for 3 and out for 3 gently this will help to regulate your nervous system (it's hard to do, and easier when you practice)

None of these are fool proof or cures, they're just some of the things I've used to help me face challenges with kindness and a bit of empathy for myself. 

Best of luck today, we'll be here with everything crossed for you @pancakes 💙

Re: Night Time

@Former-Member , you rock 🙂



@pancakes , how did it go yesterday? 

Re: Night Time

@NatureLover  👋 thanks for checking in. I’m doing ok. In a bit of shock i think and have a lot to process. Didn’t at all go how i thought it would and the focus feels like it’s shifted entirely. Its all a bit much to wrap my head around but I was given all these numbers to call, websites to go on, books to read. I think maybe they’ve identified some red flags to do with my ex and her treatment of our son, and her behaviour with me. Which has come as a bit of a shock


How are you doing @NatureLover ?

Re: Night Time

@pancakes 🌹😊💕

Re: Night Time

Wrapping you up in strength, love and power to get through this @pancakes, happy to hear it sounds like they can see you are worthy and a wonderful loving daddy. You've got this precious friend 🙏

@Emelia8 🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️

@NatureLover 💚🌄

Re: Night Time

Ohh my son @pancakes 😀:ok_hand:👍

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