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Re: Not Coping

I met them at my dads ceremony but that’s if @Birdofparadise8 couldnt tell you anything about them

Re: Not Coping

Oh, I'm sorry @ArraDreaming 

My uncles partenr is also supportive she is also a counsellor. 

Re: Not Coping

That’s nice @Snowie
I have actually just started on mission clean out the garage which I think I’m gonna regret soon

Re: Not Coping

That’s nice @Birdofparadise8

Yeah, I guess we moved around a lot so we didnt really connect with extended family and all that…. I have no idea what they are like as people
and I have never met mums extended family

Re: Not Coping

Ah okay @ArraDreaming 

The rest of my family is in Hobart, so I don't see them unless I go down there. 

Re: Not Coping

Yeah that’s a trip do you ever take the boat over @Birdofparadise8 I guess it’s moved now makes it harder if you live in the city, better for us where I am
would love to go on it but just cant afford it atm
we want to go FNQ @Birdofparadise8

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 they are not allowed in the hospital but i can get some leave to go out with them. There are shops nearby or a park we can go to. I get more hours leave on weekends which is good.

@ArraDreaming i hope you get your garage done or at least some of it. The hardest part is to acrually start so well done on beginning.

Re: Not Coping

No just plane @ArraDreaming 

Way to far and I live in hobart and the boat is on the top end of tassie. 

AH okay. What is FNQ?

Oh okay I get that. When I go into hospital I'm not allowed people in my room either. 

Re: Not Coping

Far North Queensland @Birdofparadise8

Re: Not Coping

Okay @ArraDreaming 

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