02-03-2024 09:42 PM
02-03-2024 09:42 PM
Are you referring to connection with others?
Well I have SANE, RO where I go to for the most part with connection with when I'm feeling sad, lonely etc.
But others also say I should be able to cope on my own and not rely on others so much @RiverSeal
So it can get so confusing.
02-03-2024 09:52 PM
02-03-2024 09:52 PM
Connection doesn't have to be with people, it can be with other things too. Some examples of connection you have are Taylor Swift and music, uni, your future carer, and your bike to name some that I know about. Connection is about getting a rewarding feeling and a sense of being worthwhile from what you are connected to. We do a group about connection in the Guided Service so maybe we can talk more about it tomorrow if you like @Birdofparadise8? I can share some of my connection as well if you want. RiverSeal
02-03-2024 09:57 PM
02-03-2024 09:57 PM
Wait, the GS has groups now? @RiverSeal
I wish I could get in, but my postcode isn't valid even though the counsellor and PSW told me it would be okay, seeing I moved from Hobart to Melbourne, but apparently not, I was told.
Oh, I thought you meant human connection.
The other things are all well and good, but I'd still prefer human connection over a lot of things. Feeling lonely and isolated is the worst.
03-03-2024 10:11 AM
03-03-2024 10:11 AM
Sorry to hear you are not eligible for the GS @Birdofparadise8 maybe there will be an opportunity in the future for you. Yes, the GS has groups now and connection is one group we run.
I understand that you want human connection but when we don't have it in the way we want it, we can fill our lives with other forms of connection. It really helped me and now that I can identify the connection I have it makes a real difference in my life.
03-03-2024 10:14 AM
03-03-2024 10:14 AM
I know. It's annoying that I used it last year when I was moving and was told it would be okay.
The more annoying thing is the suburb over from me is eligible.
Hmm okay @RiverSeal
03-03-2024 10:23 AM
03-03-2024 10:23 AM
My roommate let her boyfriend and two other friends stay over last night until Monday, but they didn't get here in time, so I had to give them her key as she had to go down to Geelong for something. Next, they were all supposed to sleep in her room, but one slept on the couch, and she wasn't happy. She bought me a box of chocolate to apologise, so that was nice. She keeps slamming doors because she is angry at them. She has left with them now, and they are doing something.
I'm not sure if her anger is making me upset and wanting to cry or if I'm just sad like I normally am @RiverSeal
03-03-2024 10:34 AM
03-03-2024 10:34 AM
That sounds like a tough situation to be in at your own home. The people you share with are often on as considerate as they should be when you live in share houses. It's nice that she bought you a box of chocolates @Birdofparadise8. How do you feel about them staying over in your space? RiverSeal
03-03-2024 10:44 AM
03-03-2024 10:44 AM
Well it was annoying having one in the living room and it's close to the kitchen and I didn't want to wake him up while getting my breakfast.
They go home tomorrow, thankfully. I'm going to a market in my street today, so that will be fun. @RiverSeal
It's just weird they are all male and I don't know them.
03-03-2024 11:17 AM
03-03-2024 11:17 AM
The market does sound fun @Birdofparadise8 I hope you have a great time! Are you buying ingredients to cook something? RiverSeal
03-03-2024 11:19 AM
03-03-2024 11:19 AM
It's more of a festival actually @RiverSeal
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