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Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 cmon, be honest, you're pretending the lasagne is really bad so you don't have to share it 🤣🤣

What else do you have planned tonight? I will water my plants later and then sort through some recipes. We cleaned the fridges and freezer out and found that we had enough loaves of bread for an army but nothing else! 

We have 2 full size fridge/freezers and one bar fridge sized freezer. I was happy with just one fridge but I came home from work one day and there was a fridge/freezer in the dining room. My brother got given it and he thought it would come in handy. At least we have a fridge for all the bottles of water we have lol!

I'm finishing off another diamond painting and then I'll decide which one to do next.

I bought a whole heap of them when I thought I was moving to NSW last year so I've got a few to get through!


And how arevyou feeling tonight? Sorry you didn't sleep well last night, hopefully you will have a better night tonight.

Re: Not Coping

Yes, I feel we really do. I value you a lot here. 

Yes, @ENKELI and I have a great connection as well. 

Gosh, the love is going around tonight @Former-Member @ENKELI 

Yes, I've just got the learning objectives for my Neurophysiology class, and there are 48 from week one to five. 

@ENKELI No, I'm not joking. It's not that good. I'm quite disappointed in myself. It's actually mush on a plate. It tasted alright. 

I'm doing what I've mentioned about re-learning objectives. 

You can never have too many freezers, haha. 

Nice. I hope it goes well with the diamond art. I might spend a little time as a break tomorrow. I had to pick up a whole heap of beads that had fallen on the floor. 

Yeah, I'm alright. I'm a bit apprehensive, but I'm sure it will be sorted out soon. 

Yes, I hope so too. I'm so tired. I was very anxious all night and kept waking up. 

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Re: Not Coping

Aw, @Birdofparadise8 💜🤗

I want to say how sorry I am for what you and your mum went through... that is so incredibly hard to hold inside.. there is the need to reconcile the love, and the pain, that comes with being a daughter to a mum who went through such emotionally strenuous experiences dearest 💜


I want to share something with you if that is ok? .. I was born after my mum lost a son before me, and I could tell she was in emotional pain from when I was very young. I do understand some of the feelings around being the living person when there is the ethereal presence of emotional pain from loss, in a mum 💜


One of the hardest things is not just surviving, but living with the silent emotional pain that can sometimes take space between us and our mums - at least, that is how it felt in my corner of the world as a child 🙂 


I think youve done incredibly well to achieve what you have, against such odds, and blossomed into who you are today, and still blossoming! 🤗😊🌺


To me, you are someone of great value, dearest xx


In terms of the exams, going through the learning outcomes and reviewing any overall unit outcomes is a really great idea, including the marking rubric if you have one, for the exam 🙂 


Im absolutely loving counselling...I feel like I am going to be finally in a place where I totally belong 🙂 



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Re: Not Coping

Aw, @ENKELI .. such a beautifully kind and generous thing to say, and I want to thank you from the deepest part of my heart - this has really boosted me today, and I really do so much appreciate it!  😍💜🤗🌺

The inspiration that drives me are people, and having the possible opportunity help or make things better. Life is too rushed, these days, and sometimes its easy to forget that a little softness can go a very long way... 🙂 xx


Thank you humbly.


And to you too @Birdofparadise8 💜🤗🌺

Re: Not Coping

Gosh, we have even more in common @Former-Member 

Thank you (not that I remember being a baby), though yes, I get what you mean by the pain a mother feels. My mum would still cry when seeing things about births where the baby dies. 

Can I ask you a question then? Did your mum ever get help for the pain from a psych at all? 

My mum won't go, and so many around her can tell she needs to. I wish she would, but she won't, and it affects the people around her. Mainly Dad and I. 

I'm sorry you have gone through this too. It's such an awful thing for everyone. 

Yes, I think that's a good start. I just wish I could remember things better. I'm good at most things, but exams are where I struggle, and that is with extra time as well. I just find it hard to remember so many things. 

Do you have any tips? There is no rubric for the exam. There never is. It's just an online multiple-choice quiz. 

OMG @ENKELI you will love this. @Former-Member said I'm still blossoming and it came straight to me. "I'm blossoming into a princess" so to speak hahaha. I know it's something silly. 

What will happen after this course @Former-Member? 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 have you been able to resolve the problems that kept you awake last night princess?

I hope so, and that you get a good sleep tonight.

Don't be disappointed in the lasagne, cooking is a skill and while we are mostly perfect sometimes God likes to remind us we're not! 😅😂 so long as it tasted okay that's all that matters.

I moved a TV unit yesterday and knocked over a whole container of drills so there was a sparkly abstract design on my carpet. All the silver bits are the drills, or diamond dots. I ended up vacuuming them up because I donthave the patience to sort them!

I ended up buying containers and plastic ziploc bags because this was not the first time I'd dropped the drills. Clumsy much?! Ha ha!



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Re: Not Coping

Always a good time to share the love, I reckon! 🙂 @Birdofparadise8  and @ENKELI 🌺

I hope you sleep better tonight Birdofparadise8 🙂 

And I hope your night is going well ENKELI xx

Re: Not Coping

Hopefully soon @ENKELI 

Yes, I hope I sleep well tonight. I need it. I have a lot of exam prep. 

That is true. Yes, God does like doing that. 

Oh no, that would be very annoying. 

That's a good idea. Nice and organised. 

Yes, it is good @Former-Member 

I hope so, too. 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 obviously @Former-Member and I have excellent taste in people and we recognise you for who you truly are. You really are blossoming and @Former-Member can see that, having so much in common with you.

For me, and this is a 100% positive thing, you are like my God daughter. I get to offer you advice, watch you mature and feel a little bit.....okay a lot!...proud to see how you are growing emotionally.

It's such a lovely connection you and I have and I have learnt now that I don't have to come up with solutions for you, I just need to be here to listen. And that makes me pretty darned proud of myself as it shows I too am growing emotionally. 


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Re: Not Coping

Yes, I do understand regarding your mum @Birdofparadise8 💜

My mum did not seek out help, and I believe if she did so, things may indeed have been different. 

Thank you so much for the care and sensitivity you have shared, its really lovely of you 🙂


I find remembering is very difficult.. time is what I need, time to absorb information slowly and maybe going over it twice, so I can really embed it, however recall can be slow, or not at all if I am tired or stressed in some way. 


I do make sure I take some good quality vitamins and minerals, and stay really well hydrated, while doing some deep sighs at the start and end of the day to really oxygenate for the best start and end to the day for my brain 🙂 


Mnemonics have never worked for me, however I do use summaries... I summarise lessons, then I summarise them again into much smaller key word sentences, which I then try to remember, which can then often remind me of the lesson 🙂


No rubric for the exam, ok; I guess that means relying on the learning outcomes as the predominant guide then. All the best with it, however I pretty much know youre a very diligent and studious person, so I feel very confident for you 🙂


haha - thats very sweet: Blossoming into a Princess! 🙂 xx


Once I finish the GD Counselling, I was hoping to work for somewhere, helping with online video chat counselling or on the phone (since I am at home due to immunity), and support people who find it hard to get out of the house or need remote style support services for counselling. I want to learn EMDR once I graduate (if I can), Im hoping, because from what people have mentioned, it sounds helpful. I am a student member of an association for counselling, and they offer it via their web site for professional development, so I hope to do it when Im done with uni (however my uni runs for 2 years, so I have a ways to go yet 🙂 )

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