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Peer Support Worker

Re: Not Coping

Stopping in to say hey @ENKELI & @Birdofparadise8, and wanted to offer a listening ear (or... listening eyes? 😅) cos it sounds like things are pretty rough right now. 


@ENKELI sounds like your Flight response is kicking up a notch, totally understandable with anniversaries coming up, and with what sounds like a series of very hurtful events that have not been resolved. Sometimes not knowing why someone has hurt us or left us can be more painful than any reason they might give. 


It's definitely not your fault. There's always so many complex factors that shape how we might respond to things, and all of us are only ever doing the best we can with what we've got. I'm glad you have this space where you can be open, I hope you do vent as needed hun and don't keep it all bottled up - there's no need to retreat if you feel that getting stuff off your chest could be helpful. You won't be burdening any of us here, it's a safe space. And of course please don't hesitate to reach out to us ( if there's anything you might need during this time. 


@Birdofparadise8 sounds like you are sitting with some heavy feelings hun, I am sorry that the depression is feeling extra intense. Are you feeling unsafe at all? Is it helping to chat with folks here or is there something else that might help you regulate at the moment? Here for ya 💜

Re: Not Coping

Hugs @ENKELI , @Birdofparadise8 ❤️


Hello @Jynx , @Former-Member 😊

Re: Not Coping

@Former-Member at this point I’m probably just going to try to wing my upcoming placement. The weekend was enough of a demonstration that once triggered things can get chaotic
Peer Support Worker

Re: Not Coping

Howdy @Shaz51 & @creative_writer 😊

Re: Not Coping

Hi @Jynx. How are you? 🙂

Re: Not Coping

@Jynx oh Jynxy, you ate an angel. Thank you for your support.

You, @Former-Member and @tyme are such tireless workers for the Sane forums. Knowing there's always someone to chat to, or steer me right! has been a blessing


Re: Not Coping

Heyyy @Jynx , @Birdofparadise8 , @ENKELI , @creative_writer , @Former-Member 🙃😁😇


Re: Not Coping

And I forgot to add @Shaz51 into the huddle. Always there when we need you 🤗

Re: Not Coping

🥰 awww @ENKELI 

Re: Not Coping

Hi @Shaz51 how are you xx

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