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Re: Not Coping

I can't say @ENKELI 

Are you enjoying utopia? 

I'm just on the train. I've been to Myer and got a bath robe it has been cold at my place. 

It's okay @ArraDreaming 


Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 ooh, a new bathrobe, nice. What colour did you get?

I need to get a new one, the old one holds bad memories. Silly really but I don't need to think about horrible people while I'm wearing jammies and a robe.

Yes I love Utopia, my kind of comedy. I've only just started watching it, on to ep 4 in S1

Re: Not Coping

That's good you like it. It makes me laugh even when I'm feeling sad @ENKELI 

The best comedy.  

Ah okay, I understand. I have one in Hobart and it's just easier to get a new one. I got it on sale as well. 

I got 57/60 on my exam today @ENKELI @Blackbird11 @Former-Member @tyme 


Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 yay! That is awesome, 57/60! So proud of you my princess! 💐👑💕


That robe looks delicious! Warm and fluffy, I really like it and a great price too. I know the last time I bought a robe it was around $80 so you did good.


I knew I liked you, now I love you seeing you think Utopia is great too! 



Re: Not Coping

Thank you @ENKELI 

Yes, it was on sale. 

I wouldn't have suggested the show if I didn't think it was good. 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 that's because you have excellent taste. Utopia is the type of humour I love, and even better being Australian. Jim cracks me up. And Rob Sitch is perfect as Tony.


Sorry for the delay, I'm having a frustrating conversation with the aged care facility my dad is in. They refuse to let me speak to him because I'm not listed as his next of kin. I am so pissed right now, I spoke to 2 different people who told me nothing so if something were to happen to him I have no idea if I'd be told. Dad finally got back to me so at least I know he's still alive.

Re: Not Coping

Oh, I know. Tell me about it. They are all funny, haha. 

Oh, why is that? Why won't he put you down? @ENKELI 

I'm going to have cortege pie for dinner. It's heating up in the oven. 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 yeah, every episode cracks me up.


The situation with my dad is an ongoing drama that has been giving me a headache since August last year. He's muddle headed as well as suffers with severe depression and PTSD so he'll be agreeing with me one minute and the next he changes his mind. If I had the money I'd fly over and get him back in WA [edited by moderator - RESPECT Guideline]


Cottage pie sounds delicious, I should do that too

Re: Not Coping

Oh okay @ENKELI 

Sounds hard with your stepmother. Moster oh gosh @ENKELI I just reread the email notification and saw that. 

I hope you're not in trouble. 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 are you ok sorry for earlier hope you didn’t get in trouble

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