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Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 did you end up getting a diamond painting after we talked about them? I thought you said you had and I wondered what you thought about it.

I'm trying to find white card stock to use as backing to frame a couple and I can't seem to find any. I might have to take a trip to Officeworks and see if they sell white cardboard sheets. 

I have frames but no backing grrrr!

Re: Not Coping

Not the Taylor Swift one @ENKELI 

I will once I've finished the ones I've got. 

I'm sure they would. 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 ah so you have more than one! Be careful, they can be addictive!! My girlfriend in the US was doing them and she kept talking about them. Finally I got a small cheap one and then I got hooked on doing them. For me having the colours set and not having to choose is good because I have trouble with colouring in for example. I can agonise over colours for ages until I finally give up and do something else. My brain has difficulty making simple decisions like what colour to use on a picture. I'm not sure whether I'm just weird (probably!!!) or if it is a mental issue. 


Do you know where you're going tonight for dinner?

Re: Not Coping

You're not weird at all @ENKELI 

Choosing the right colour can be hard. 

No, I don't. He lives 40 min for me, so I will drive up, and then we will work it out. I sent him a few places but he didn't say anything. 

I'm already getting hungry hahaha. 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 yeah we don’t get much option like with bachelors. Masters do get quite specialised too.

@ENKELI I hope you are able to do something kind for yourself to wind down 💖. Keeping you in my thoughts

Re: Not Coping

Yeah, they would @creative_writer 


Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 lol I know what you mean! I don't know what I'm doing for dinner yet, I have a few options but can't decide!

Hope you have a nice night regardless of where you go.

Re: Not Coping

We have worked it out @ENKELI 

A pub down the road.

Re: Not Coping

@creative_writer oh dear I really need to read the entire sentence and not part - especially when you say you don't get much choice with bachelors. I was thinking are there any decent men around?! Then I read the rest of your comment and told myself to keep it above the belt ha ha ha! Oh Lord!

I'm actually doing better than I expected, there's a slight possibility of a change of direction in my path which I would love so I  am focusing on that whilst remaining realistic so I don't get my hopes up and crash into a pit of depression like last year.


How are you feeling today? I hope you're better than you were yesterday you poor thing 🤗💕

Re: Not Coping

PUBMEAL!!!!! @Birdofparadise8 I love a good pub meal, with a lemon, lime and bitters on the side. 

Now I'm thinking of steak and chips, veal parmi and chips, burger and chips....chips with chips!! I think I'll dig out the deep fryer and have chips with dinner tonight. Mmm chicken parmi, veg and chippies. Nummy!

Food is my favourite subject 😂

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