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Re: Not Coping

@ArraDreaming cats suck. I'd go the roos before the cats any day

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 hey princess 👑💐

I had a long day, didn't finish until 6pm. Got home, washed up.and had dinner, now I'm watching netflix.

Tomorrow I need to sort through my clothes and go shopping but if you're available I'll be around to chat.

How are you going?

Re: Not Coping


It's good to hear from you. Yes, I'll be around all day, and also the chat on Sunday. 

I hope you are managing okay with the long work hours. 

Things are really tough right now. I'm trying to distract myself, but it can only do so much. 

I know you need a job and all that, but I miss you so much. You mean so much to me. 

I feel so selfish, I'm sorry. Anyway, I have the footy on right now. 

Do you ever do meal prep for dinner so it's quicker for when you get home from work? 


Re: Not Coping

@Glisten oh that is so cool! 6th is pretty darn good with roof racks and the like!


I have a school mate who used to drag race in a lime green Torana. I watched her one night at Barbagallo raceway. I can see why she got into it. She semi retired after she got breast cancer and now runs a non profit that uses a Mercedes she and her hubby souped up for the drags, offering rides for a cost. All proceeds go to the Breast Cancer foundation. One of these days I'm going to have to get her to take me for a ride!


How's the Joon city? Had any of that wet stuff they've been promising?

Dry as a bone down here in the Swan.


Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 oh honey I really miss you too. I never imagined I'd be working such long hours and hopefully now that we have a full team it won't be so bad. Don't apologise, I'm sorry I don't get to chat with you as much. I'm going to do me darnedest to make Sunday chat, I'm having lunch with my mum, brother and CCL (crazy cat lady friend) on Sunday so even with that and baking I should be able to make it.

You're probably getting ready to go to bed now but I'll make sure I spend as much time as you can put up with me tomorrow!

I know you're doing it tough at the moment  trying to sort through your feelings and not suppressing them. It's a long process but I have all the faith in the world that you will get through this. And you will be stronger and better 💐❤️👑👸

Don't forget to straighten your crown and remember you are a princess 

Re: Not Coping

Oh have you been short staffed? 

It was really good the chat last week. I do hope you can make it. I also hope you enjoy your lunch with your family. What are you baking? 

Hahhaha, I don't ever have to put up with you @ENKELI. If anything, I need to thank you for how much support you have given me and the lovely connection we have. Which is making me cry right now as type this. 

Thank you. My emotions are all over the place right now, but yes, I will straighten my crown. 

Yeah I probably should say goodnight now. 

Thank you @ENKELI 

Chat tomorrow. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening. 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 goodnight sweet girl. I hope you wake in the morning refreshed and feeling better 🫂💐❤️

Re: Not Coping

Do you still have to log off at 10 @Birdofparadise8

Re: Not Coping

@Former-Member sorry to hear your ptsd has been triggered, you're in my thoughts and prayers ❤️ 

I can only imagine what you are going through, please let me know if there is anything I can do.

🫂 much hugs and 💐❤️

Re: Not Coping


I hope you had a good rest of your night. 

Hi @ArraDreaming @Former-Member @Snowie @Blackbird11 @creative_writer 

How are you all?

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