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Re: Not Coping

That sounds like a nice day @ArraDreaming 

I'm sorry you're finding it so hard with the wind this week. 130km is a lot. 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 I bought it from Myer but they've sold out -


It's like the one I wanted, has the same features but it was cheaper and it actually pours better than the original one I gave mum.

Dinner was yummy, I wish I had breadcrumbs though, would have gone nice with cheese top

Re: Not Coping

It looks nice. Breville is a great brand.

That's annoying. I'm sure it was still good. @ENKELI 

What are you going to do tonight? I'll be going to bed in about 45 min - 1 hour. 

Do you know anything about dissociation?

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 yeah it was still good.


I know what dissociative disorder is but I don't know much about it. Is it something you may be living with?

Re: Not Coping

That's good. 

Oh, your Kettel has a matching toaster, did you know? 

Mmm, I'm not sure. I zone out a bit. Like with class on the 22nd I was there but not really there. 

I also think a couple of weeks back with my psych I think I was upset because of the conversation and kind of left and was zoning out for a bit. I'm not sure what the difference is between zoning out and dissociating. @ENKELI 

Re: Not Coping

I hate it makes me want to slam my head on a door frame sometimes @Birdofparadise8

Re: Not Coping

It's interesting that you mentioned it in your other thread. I was speaking to my outreach worker, and she said a lot of people find it really stressful, etc. I'm sorry you find it hard. I hope you won't hit your head. Do you have ways to manage when you feel like this? Could you put some headphones on so you don't hear the wind? @ArraDreaming 

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 yes, I did see it has a matching toaster but I bought a new one only a couple of years ago so I can't justify a new one.


I think you are probably best to tell your psych about it. I haven't ever experienced anything like dissociative disorder, so I don't know what it's like. I only know that it is common in people who have suffered extreme trauma.



Re: Not Coping

it’s not hearing it that’s the problem

Re: Not Coping

Ah yes fair enough. 
Okay all good. I’ll ask if I have time lol. My list keeps getting longer. 
well I haven’t had sever trauma. I probably just zone out I googled but not much help. When website said they are the same thing and then another said they are different. @ENKELI 


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