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Useful resources

Senior Contributor


Are there any100 percent free counseling services I could please use? Looks like I can't afford a Psychologist despite being referred by my doctor. Kinda hard to get in touch with someone directly on here via the website when no one is available in chat.


Re: Question

SANE offer councilling services, but I am not sure if you can guarantee getting the same person each time.. I believe SuicideCallback (and possibly Lifeline) offer a limited number of ~6 sessions with the same councilor.. but you have to specifically ask..


Otherwise get a mental health plan from your GP and have a look around for a bulk billing provider.. Unfortunately though, there don't seem to be a lot of them around..


I also know you can get assistance through the Mental Heath Access Team in the Public Hospital System.. if you book in for a review, I believe they may provide you with one; and any other medical support needed..

Not applicable

Re: Question

Morning @TheJuZShoW, stopping by just to let you know that you can access the SANE counselling service Mon-Fri 10am-10pm on 1800 187 263 and have a chat about accessing services that are suitable for your needs.

Rhye ☘️

Re: Question

Not sure what state you are in @TheJuZShoW 

Community Guide

Re: Question

Hi @TheJuZShoW 

If you get a mental health care plan from your GP you should be able to get free sessions.


Also, a psychologist with the primary health network will give you 10 free visits.


As previously mentioned your local Acute Care Team could also provide free services.


Take care


Re: Question

Hi @TheJuZShoW ,


You've raised a really good question which many people also ask.


As @Former-Member mentioned, SANE offers counselling and peer support services.


With your mental health care plan, you get 10-20 subsided sessions (but you often need to pay a gap - unless you find the 'right' person).


If you MH condition means you need care from an Area Mental Health team, then they can co-ordinate sessions for a limited time.


Unfortunately, resources are stretched. Just keep looking.


I currently have a psychologist whom I've been with for years now. He does not charge a gap fee. This means as long as I have an up-to-date mental health care plan, i don't need to pay out of pocket.


Another option if you want someone to chat to is, on the side, you'll see this:

Screen Shot 2022-02-10 at 8.55.28 pm.png

feel free to either click on 'latest discussions' or 'latest posts' if you want to connect with someone for a chat 🙂


That may help,


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