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Re: Darkness

@Former-Member Heart
you can talk here anytime, youve come a long way with learning about the guidelines. please dont hide away out of that fear. i know youll be mindful with your posts Heart

Re: Darkness



So hard you cant be with your father.

I am around. A bit flighty, but alright.

Stay Safe

Smiley Happy

Not applicable

Re: Darkness

You support is greatly appreciate @Zoe7 @Shaz51 @Appleblossom  and


@NatureLover , I was meant to be seeing them on Monday. 

@outlander , I don't know. It was really unfair on Izzy as we have to unsafe alters, when we say that they normally don't hurt Izzy physically but enjoy causing damage to all her relationships and they where posting here a lot because this forum gave her hope and connections. Izzy feels like she has lost friendships here, while there where about three only one of them really mattered to Izzy and I don't want to risk her losing anymore or though I may have damaged one by posting when emotional in the last couple of days anyway. We just can't win either way. Feeling like everything is going down the drain. Hope you are doing ok. 

@Lee82 💝

Re: Darkness


In a way it takes a lot of courage that more than one alter has  been allowed out.  In time that may be a healing thing and allow you to integrate the split selves.  I am not sure, but feeling vulnerable about your ill father, may be a 3 steps fwd 2 bkwd kind of thing. Keep trusting and being.



Re: Darkness

None of what you, Izzy or any other alters have written here has lost any friends Hon - at times what has been written has been in distress but it is not the words that have hurt anyone, it is more the knowledge that we cannot help @Former-Member You are all welcome here and all will be supported ...and all very much cared for Heart

Senior Contributor

Re: Darkness

Hi to all my forum family. I'm sorry I have not been around lately. I just seem to keep getting warnings about my posts so I am feeling a little scared about posting at the moment. I can't seem to say the right things. I will still pop in and support as many posts I can and want you all to know that I am still thinking about you. 
@Former-Member @Zoe7 @Appleblossom @outlander @Shaz51 @Snowie @Sans911 @NatureLover @Faith-and-Hope @greenpea @Pollyotter 


my beautiful Nikki. I am so so sorry to hear about your dad. I really hope he gets better very soon and that you will have a chance to visit him. You and your dad are very much in my thoughts. 
I love so very very much, to infinity and beyond always and forever. 💗🦋💗 @Former-Member 

Re: Darkness

@Lee82 We all make mistakes in posting on occasions so don't let that deter you from coming here for support Hon. Did you take Boris for a walk today?

Re: Darkness

@Lee82  Hey Lee82 try not to worry about getting warnings on posts.. I take everything personally and get hurt easily even though I appear a chirpy lil pea. It is good to see you. We love you Lee82. Your friend peaxxx

Not applicable

Re: Darkness

💝🌸 @Lee82 🌸💝 would you be awake by any chance?


@Zoe7 , @Appleblossom , @Shaz51  thank you ladies you all are very sweet and we treasure your friendship and support. 

💖👸 @greenpea 👸💖, beautiful pea I hope your studies are going well and that you are ok. 

Re: Darkness

@Former-Member  Hi sweety I have decided to defer my studies until next semester when hopefully everything has settled down and would have found out what is going on with my amnesia by then. Just cannot remember anything new atm which is really frustrating and sad to be honest  Anyway I hope you are going well and have a kind and 'pea'ceful day today. I love you Nikki and look forward to your daily posts. Love peaHeart

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