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Re: Not Coping

Hey there @Birdofparadise8 🙂💜

how did the interview go? 

I hope the tidying up went ok xx

Was thinking of you earlier today, and hoping today was a better day xx

Re: Not Coping

Hi @Former-Member 

The interview went well, thank you. 

Yeah, all good. 

Not feeling great now. 

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Re: Not Coping

Hey there @ENKELI 🤗🌺

Im ok thanks... very slooow today.. taking me ages to do anything, but not to worry xx 🙂


How are you doing this evening? I hope your day went well, being the first day of the week xx

Re: Not Coping

@Birdofparadise8 I'm sorry you feel bad. I hope you bring it up with your psych.

I was talking about myself, definitely not you. What I said was anecdotal and my experiences. 

If I didn't want to chat with and support you I would say it directly princess, if I sounded frustrated it's because I am impatient and wish that we could all heal quicker than it takes in reality.


Re: Not Coping

I feel bad because I thought you thought that about me. 

Oh okay. I'm sorry that happened. 

Ok, @ENKELI, I'm sorry I'm not getting better. I do wish I was. 

Bring which bit up with my psych. 

Re: Not Coping

@Former-Member thanks, my day has been slow too, aside from an appointment I had at 1pm.

I'm doing a diamond painting and watching SVU. The weather is strange, looks like it can't decide whether to rain or not. I hope you're having a good evening and hope you have a good week 💐🦩💜

Re: Not Coping

@Former-Member I haven’t been good today 😞

@ENKELI cats are adorable. I don’t have any, but I see them in my backyard all the time, they are little cuties.

Singapore is nice, haven’t been to the US, but I do have relatives there. I’ve been wanting to go Türkiye
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Re: Not Coping

Glad the interview went well @Birdofparadise8 🙂💜

Im sorry to hear youre not feeling so great now, though.. hugs to you dearest 🤗🌺

Re: Not Coping

Thanks @Former-Member 

yeah not great

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Re: Not Coping

I hope the appointment went well @ENKELI 🤗🌺

The diamond painting sounds interesting, I havent seen those before 🙂

First read of your post, my eyes told me "watching SUV", and I had that fleeting thought "what's so incredibly interesting about an SUV?" till I realised its Special Victims Unit! haha! Oh, I probably should check my prescription lenses 😁🙌

I hope the weather can decide one way or the other, where you are 🙂 Here it looks a bit cloudy as the sky turns to night, however I dont think it'll rain.. 🙂 

Thank you so much ENKELI, and I hope you have a nice evening, and a good rest of your week too xx 🌺💜🙂


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