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Re: 'Chuckle Corner'

Hi Jake,

I'm wondering how many pirates any of us bump into in our daily lives?



Re: 'Chuckle Corner'

No worries Jake - I will refrain from Pirate jokes.


It's a great dilemma you both raise. Where is the line? What is approriate, what is inappropriate?


This dilemma happens in our every day life too.

A great example is in the current Beyond Blue racisim ad.


In my face to face interactions, my thought process is if the butt of the joke relies on the negative characteristic/sterotype of a group of people or person, I won't tell the joke.


Another way of looking at it, and I think what Kristin was referring to, if a joke was told in reference to a group/category that is part of my identity (could be a religion, illness, alot of different things) how comfotable would I be?

Anways - it's that fine, tricky line that varies for all of us. But I think, if you feel the need to put an apology disclosure meassage at the bottom, that's probably your intution saying you shouldn'tt post it.


But Jake.. your dog, duck & chicken jokes are great... I don't think they are easily offended 😉



Re: 'Chuckle Corner'

Last year I attended WISE Stand Up for Mental Health, it was all written and performed by comics with MI or MH lived experience and I loved every single different comic! For me, it was my tribe laughing together..that is, because the comedy was grounded in personal experience I laughed and laughed...I still remember some of the best jokes..hope there's another session for this year's Mental Health Week..

Re: 'Chuckle Corner'

Whilst we might not be ahoy there pirates like Captain Pugwash and hiis Motley Crew, I reckon. Ore than a few of us might, just might be pirates on the lam, when it comes to downloading movies or copies dvd's. I could be wrong, it I thought Australia has the reputation for being leader in video piracy?

Re: 'Chuckle Corner'

Q: What's a pirate's favourite letter?

A: aarrrrrr!

Re: 'Chuckle Corner'

Would the guideline apply of; 'its ok to make a minority/ethnicity/affliction joke if one is a member of that group'?

I make light of my MI because if I can laugh about it I feel better.

Re: 'Chuckle Corner'

Hey Jake, 

You've gone all quiet on us, and I for one am missing your input. I want you to know I wasn't offended by the joke - but I reacted because one of my daughters is blonde (and the blonde bimbo stereotype is usually what blonde jokes foster). So I was straight with you about what I thought about it. I hope we hear from you soon. 🙂

Kind regards,


Re: 'Chuckle Corner'

Hi Jake,

I too hope to see you on here soon and I'm also missing your input.


Re: 'Chuckle Corner'



Who's there?




Cows go who?




Re: 'Chuckle Corner'


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